Chapter 15 (Seriously!?)

Start from the beginning

Today in gym class. Rem had constantly put up with loud scoldings from her opponent for deliberately putting in no effort. Rem acted oblivious every time, pretending not to know what she was onto her about. This did little to help the situation, and only further encouraged her opponents anger.

No matter what sport or activity the coach had them play. The student always chooses Rem as her opponent. This was only made worse by the fact the gym coach put in a rule that stated if you were challenged by another student you couldn't decline.

Rem deliberately lost every single time, trying to sell the lie to her opponent that she was better than her. But her opponent saw right through it each time, and grew more aggressive and angry with each activity or sport. When the class was dismissed, Rem let out a relieved sigh. Happy to finally get through another gym class.

After getting changed and collecting her things. Rem started to make her way to the cafeteria for lunch break. While walking out of the change room. Rem felt a pair of hands on her back shove her onto the ground.

Rem lifted her head from the floor and turned to look over her shoulder. She wasn't in the least bit surprised to see the competitive girl standing over her.

"Why are you intentionally losing! Why won't you just compete against me properly!" The girl said in a very agitated tone.

Rem just got up and attempted to walk off not wanting to deal with this girl any longer than she had too. The agitated student walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulder, turning Rem around to look at her.

"Hey! You look at me when I am trying to talk to you! Tell me why won't you compete against me!"

"I don't know what you are talking about. You won the competition, why are you still bothering me?" Rem asked in a calm voice acting oblivious.

"I won a competition you threw to get away from me! That's not a win in my book!"

"What do you want Rem to do then?"

"Come with me and compete against me properly!"

"Not today, I am going to eat lunch" Rem said, denying her request. She gently removed the students hand off her shoulder and began to walk off.

Apparently Rem gently touching her hand was the thing that made the student go over the edge. Immediately after Rem turned back around she  was tackled back down to the floor by the enraged student.

Subaru was in the cafeteria attempting to understand a math text book that went over the current unit they were on. No matter how many times he repeated the questions to himself none of them made sense. It didn't help him understand the material one bit.

He noticed as the minutes passed by Rem had yet to join him in the cafeteria. Subaru was beginning to think Rem got lost. Something that hasn't happened in weeks.

His concerns were put to rest when he noticed Rem walking to his table with her head leaning down slightly. He immediately noticed her hair was a mess and her uniform was scuffed up. Ultimately replacing one concern with another. She sat down next to Subaru and placed her bag on the floor.

"Rem, where were you?" Subaru asked. Rem sighed heavily as she moved her head up to look up at Subaru.

"Rem got into an altercation with another student," Rem said calmly.

Subaru almost passed out. When he heard the words that left Rem's mouth.

"Wait like a fight!?" Subaru asked.

Rem nodded her head in response. Subaru began to pray in his mind that it was not a physical one. But he could tell by her messed up hair and uniform that it was indeed a physical one. Subaru was scared that Rem severely injured her opponent to the point of death. He knew what she was capable of.

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