Chp 23

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"Maybe we should make her drop" Tony suggests as they all sit around the kitchen table trying to brainstorm ideas.

"Tony.." Steve starts but instantly gets cut off.

"You can't be serious." Nat says glaring at Tony.

"What? When she is little she could recognize you and snap out of whatever trance she is in." Tony defends.

"No, regressing is not something you ever force on someone. That would take us back to square one with y/n. She can be in whatever headspace she wants but it's never forced." Wanda says getting more and more worked up.

Natasha quickly grabs Wanda's hand, trying to calm her a bit. Natasha squeezes it twice causing Wanda to look up and meet Natashas eyes.

Natasha offers Wanda a small smile and which Wanda mirrors before giving her a small nod.

"No forcing regression. Understood?" Natasha says, looking between the two men.

"Yes." Steve says in agreement as Tony gives a fake salute.

"So what do we do?" A voice spoke from the living room before coming into view.

Tony and Steve looked confused at the younger woman for a second.

Tony stands up and walks over towards the woman. "I don't believe we have met. I'm Tony Stark, and you are?" He pauses, sticking out his hand waiting for an answer.

Yelena looks down at his hand for a second before walking past Tony completely ignoring him. "We can't force Y/n to drop. We can't beat them in any physical altercation. They are definitely more skilled than any of us originally thought. What are our options here?" Yelena asks, sitting down.

Everyone sat back down at the table looking at each other trying to figure out what would work.

"Wanda you could.." Steve started but was instantly cut off by Wanda.

"No, I will not go into y/n's head." Wanda says looking around the table.

"It might be the best option we have here." Tony says looking around the table. Earning more than a few glares from Nat and Yelena.

"Think about it, the tranquilizer will only keep her under for so long and then what? Y/n fights us all just to escape to where? Hydra will come back for her, not even to mention other agencies that could harm her or even worse. If you truly want to keep y/n safe which I know you do then I don't think we have much of an option here. We need to get y/n out of it and Wanda going into her mind is the best way of doing it." Tony explains.

Everyone sits in silence weighing the option. Though it is one none of them want to take Tony does have a point.

"Unless you two coax her back to being little. Not force y/n but encourage it." Yelena starts looking over to Nat and Wanda.

"You both know y/n better than anyone here. If something were to register it would be you two. And Natalia when you were fighting y/n and referred to yourself as Mama something registered in their eyes. I saw it and I know you did as well." Yelena states.

"It's not a bad idea." Steve supports looking at Nat and Wanda for their opinions.

"Yeah but neither of us can stand a chance against y/n's powers. Wanda was knocked out instantly and I was not too long after." Nat says, looking at the group.

"Well who can withstand such a shock?" Tony asks unsure how they can get this to work.

The room sits in silence trying to figure out who could handle such a task.

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