Chp 22

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Steve POV

"Wake up!" Someone yells into his room as they quickly knock at the door. Steve looks over at the clock. 1:21 AM.

Confused Steve heads over to the door and opens it to see Tony standing outside.

"Nice PJs old man. Get dressed we need to leave in.." Tony looks down at his tablet. "4 minutes." Tony says before starting to walk away. "Meet me at the quinjet."

Still confused, Steve quickly gets dressed and heads to the quinjet. Looking around he sees it's just Tony sitting in it.

"Tony why did you get me up?" He asks, still unsure of what is happening.

"I got a distress signal from Natasha." Tony states matter of factly starting to ready up the jet.

"Is everything okay? Is it y/n?" Steve asks as his mind fills with questions.

"All I know is I got the signal, now do you want to come help or are you gonna just ask questions non-stop?" Tony asks, a bit annoyed.

"You're right. Where are we headed?" Steve asks

"Russia, coordinates are already in." Tony says starting to fly the jet.

"Any idea what we are going to be arriving at?" Steve asks, sitting down in the copilot spot.

"No clue." Tony says flying the jet.

Steve nods before looking out the window whispering to himself. "Hopefully it's a false alarm." 

"Hopefully." Tony agrees.

The two arrive and notice a quiet house tucked right by the edge of the forest. They quickly land the jet and head over to the house. Both men pause at the door and look at each other unsure of what to do.

Tony quickly tapped on his arc reactor as his suit formed around him. Steve grabbed his shield from his back to block both of their chests as Tony blasts the door down.

Both stepping inside and noticing the mess in front of them. Furniture moved and in an array, plates shattered on the floor, everything in complete array. Tony taps Steve's shoulder and points up the stairs to a room which keeps flickering. Both men understand what is probably behind that door. 

They quickly head up the stairs and stop outside the door. They open the door and see y/n laying down on a bed with an IV in, quickly both men get blasted and land on their backs as the door slams shut.

"Don't open the door." Wanda says in a stern voice as Natasha appears behind her badly beaten.

"You guys are too late." Natasha says before disappearing down the hallway.

"What happened here?" Steve asks, looking at Wanda.

"Let's take this downstairs." Wanda says, leading both of them back down the stairs.

-8 Hours Earlier-

Nat looks at the man in front of her tied to a chair. She taps on his face and pulls the mask off revealing an old man smiling back at her.

"How did you find us?" Natasha asks, pulling a knife out of her pocket. When he refuses to answer Natasha slashes his face right below his cheekbone. Yelena sits in the corner of the room watching as Alexei quickly leaves the room, not being too fond of blood.

"I'm not going to ask you again." Natasha says, twirling her knife in her hand.

"I will only speak to her." He says looking at the door.

"Not happening." Nat says pulling out her gun and flicking the safety off.

"Kill me and 100 of agents show up within the hour. Let me see her, I walk away and forget this place." He gets out with broken english.

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