15. Beomgyu's diary

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Beomgyu woke up with a searing pain in his head and neck. He groaned and sat up, looking around the not so familiar room. The only thing he was familiar with was the whiteness. He looked down at his left arm, which had a few needles and thin tubes connected. He pulled them out and rubbed the back of his neck, where the pain was coming from. He got up from the bed and stood on the cold tiled floor barefooted. There was no one else in the room, which was odd to him. He saw a full length mirror at one of the corners of the room and walked towards it, examining himself in the mirror. Instead of wearing the usual white suit, he had simple black clothes on. His hair had been cut shorter and trimmed. He tried to look at the back of his neck but he couldn't. He was lifting up his shirt to check if they had done anything else to his body when the door slid open, revealing Yoohyun and the middle aged man Beomgyu had seen previously.

"You woke up earlier than expected" The stranger said as he walked towards Beomgyu.

"What did you to me?" Beomgyu asked while rolling his shirt back down.

"Implanted a tracking device, just in case you try to escape."

Beomgyu nodded his head. It was understandable. They were being cautious after Kai had escaped. It wouldn't cause him any harm anyways. They could track him all they want.

"With a self detonating mechanism."

"A what?!"

"If you step out of the permitted areas, you will go kaboom" Yoohyun said casually.

"Excuse me?! You're trying to kill me here. What if it malfunctions?"

"It won't. Just be a good boy and stay where you are supposed to stay at." The middle aged man looked through Beomgyu's data on the tablet once again and glanced up at him.

"Right." Beomgyu sighed. "Can you take a picture of my neck and show me? I want to see."

Yoohyun took a photo for Beomgyu and showed it him. Beomgyu scowled at the scar. It wasn't very pleasant looking. The number 173 was tattooed on his neck in red as well.

"Why must you tattoo a number? I'm a human too."

"You're an Inaxus."


"He's an Elaxus."

"An unexplainable existence. He's not a human."

"So what does that make him? An alien? That doesn't fit too. Maybe a supernatural being? But he functions like a human."

"Can we please stop talking about Beomgyu hyung like this?" Hueningkai seemed upset with the current conversation the rest was having. "It's as if he's a stranger to us."

The rest immediately shut up upon hearing that.

"Why does him being an Elaxus matter all of a sudden? He's still Beomgyu hyung and he never treated us wrong. Even if he did manipulate our memories and emotions, he did it unintentionally. He must have not known it too. His care, kindness and love towards us are genuine. We all know how Beomgyu hyung is like. Controlled or not, we shouldn't doubt our feelings towards hyung now just because we learnt that he is able to control our emotions. He could only do so when he is around us right? Since he's not here with us now, did you stop loving him? During the times that he wasn't with us, the times he wasn't able to control our feelings, did you ever question why you love hyung or find it weird that you were hanging out with hyung? If you didn't, then your love for him is real, not fake." Hueningkai ranted. He was extremely disappointed in the others for doubting themselves and Beomgyu. He trusted Beomgyu a lot and he would never lose his trust in him. Beomgyu was the most caring and observant person he had ever met. He was the nicest person.

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