7. The significance of the tattoo

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Nothing much had changed after that night. Both of them had agreed to take it slow. Beomgyu would occasionally kiss Taehyun's head to show affection but that was it. They hadn't kissed for the second time. Beomgyu was surprisingly fine with it. He was holding himself back better than Taehyun expected. He had thought that Beomgyu would be impatient with things like this but he was wrong. The older gave him a lot of space. He could only imagine how much love and patience Beomgyu had for him. The fact that he was restraining himself made Taehyun felt bad. He had wondered if he could return just as much love to Beomgyu. Sometimes he felt like he didn't deserve it. There were so many potentially better partners for Beomgyu out there and he was still very unsure of his own feelings even though he did admit that he enjoyed the kiss. Taehyun just didn't know if he could reciprocate the same amount of love Beomgyu had for him and felt slightly pressured sometimes by overthinking.

They would drop Haruna off at Yeonjun's place when they had school. Haruna was really scared of him at first but she became attached to him after spending some time together. Yeonjun was extremely good with children. However, Yeonjun would complain about how Haruna called him "ahjussi" instead of "oppa". Beomgyu would then laugh and tease him about him being old.

It had been two weeks and now Taehyun was driving to the Choi mansion from university. Taehyun glanced to the passenger's seat; Beomgyu had his eyes closed and was napping. His dark eyes bags were visible and he looked fatigued. Taehyun was of course worried for him but he had decided to wait for Beomgyu to tell him about whatever that was bothering him by himself. He stopped at the red light and waited for it to turn green. He was about to step on the pedal once the lights turned green when Beomgyu suddenly woke up and stopped him.

"Wait." Beomgyu told him and Taehyun listened to him despite being confused.

"What's going o-"

Before Taehyun could finish his sentence, he saw a truck going out of control and crashing into the pedestrian lane. If Taehyun hadn't listen to Beomgyu, it could have collided into them instead. A shiver went down his spine when he thought of it. Beomgyu sighed in relief. He had seen a few seconds into the future just in time and at the right time. People started to gather around the car crash and tried helping. They saw people calling for an ambulance for the driver. Taehyun turned around to look at Beomgyu.

"How..." Taehyun's voice trailed off. He didn't know how he should ask the question.

"A hunch. Take a detour." Beomgyu replied simply and leaned back into his seat comfortably before shutting his eyes again.

Taehyun wanted to question further but seeing how Beomgyu had shut it down, he decided to let it pass. He listened to him and took a detour. Though there were times when he felt as if Beomgyu had foreseen some events, they were always subtle. But this one was just different, just like the one in the past. He shivered at the thought of it again and drove carefully for the rest of their journey.

"Dad, please listen to me. Don't sign the contract!" Taehyun could hear Beomgyu pleading from the outside of the office. Taehyun gulped, Beomgyu sounded desperate. It must be extremely serious if Beomgyu was this distraught about it. This was the second time he had heard such a tone from Beomgyu. The first time....

"Dad!" Beomgyu yelled and it snapped Taehyun out of his train of thoughts.

"I've compiled data. I'm telling you that our stock market will crash if we sign the contract. And it will be big. We will lose a lot. They are not trustworthy, they will rip us off. Trust me." Beomgyu said through gritted teeth as he tried to maintain his composure.


The door bursts open and out came a furious Beomgyu.

"Let's go." Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's wrist and pulled him away.

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