Chapter 194 (Part 1, 2, 3)

Start from the beginning

After throwing his words at Fang Susu, the old man immediately left the classroom, and Fang Susu's scream of rage was followed by the laughter of her classmates.

Ye Ci quipped: "Go, go! Our class ended earlier, the female toilet is still not full yet..."

"Ye Ci do you want to die? Do you want to get killed?" Fang Susu was both infuriated and amused by Ye Ci's words. She leapt and Ye Ci and began duking it out with her, filling the classroom with much glee.

After being chased around, Ye Ci was barely able to survive the onslaught by Fang Susu. She moved the book that she had been using to cover her face aside, and smiled at Fang Susu who was flustered, "Fine, fine, my bad. It's not like you don't know how the old man is. Is there anyone that has not been made fun of by the guy? He's too strong of a boss, no tank can survive his wrath for long, so don't try and challenge him."

Fang Susu guffawed at Ye Ci's words, "Alright, let's move on. I have something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Ye Ci began packing her books, ready to head to the study room.

"I was notified by Qin Churuo yesterday that their guild was able to secure 20 spots for a field trip to the Fate headquarters. Are you going?" Fang Susu's face was full of excitement, and her round eyes lit up with joy.

The Fate HQ? Ye Ci was momentarily stunned. She could still remember her time in the Fate HQ in her last lifetime. It happened several months before her reincarnation. At that time, she was already a famous top Sorceress in Fate. She was received with a polite reception during her time in the Fate HQ. All of it was just like a dream for her current self.

"So... Are you going?" Fang Susu nudge the dazed Ye Ci on the arm, drawing her attention.

"I'm not a member of World Conqueror." a feeling that Ye Ci herself was unable to describe crept into her heart. She could not even figure out her own feelings. Do I want to go? Or do I not feel like going? Or am I afraid to go?

"Well, we're buying our own plane tickets anyways! Let's go! It doesn't matter if you're not from World Conqueror! Besides, you're the only god-tier player in our campus. If you don't go, the group that we send over will look shabby compared to the other guids. Most of them sent their expert players over during their visit to the Fate HQ." Fang Susu immediately began her process of persuading Ye Ci into joining her in the trip.

Ye Ci shook her head, "If they find out that I'm Gongzi You, do you think I will still have my peaceful days? Your man will be the first one to come after me.

"Aiya, he doesn't know! Don't think too much about it! Just go with me! Go with me! I'll be forced to sleep alone if you don't go..." Fang Susu immediately clung on to Ye Ci.


Ye Ci already intended to visit the Fate HQ as a walk down her memory lane of her last life. Fang Susu's invitation gave her the final push. After all, she cared dearly for her friend. Hence,, Fang Susu was able to persuade Ye Ci into joining the trip without much effort. Qin Churuo was very welcoming, and gave no objection. Bai Mo, on the other hand, was jealous and shamelessly insisted that he should be brought along as well. His pleas fell on deaf ears. It was a 5-days event, and they would probably not be able to log into the game. With 'Upwards Ho!' making preparations to start their next expedition into a dungeon, the guild leader must be present.

After assurances from Ye Ci that she would take many photos in the Fate HQ, and request the permission for a field trip by 'Upwards Ho!' members to the Fate HQ, Bai Mo finally dropped the subject.

In the end, Bai Mo could only send Ye Ci on her way with tears in his eyes while waving a small handkerchief.

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