Chapter 110: Leaving after the deed is done

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There were several ways to interpret a burglary.

Some would call it "robbing the rich to help the poor," some might say that it was an act of upholding justice, some even portrayed it as an act of heroism. Since ancient times, burglaries were constantly beautified by art and literature. Not taking The Four Classic Novels of Chinese Literature into account, even the TV dramas had frequently portrayed it as such. A lot of the main characters were literally bandits. Uhh... That... Was totally off the wall.

But, without exception, a heist was usually done at night. Even the Elegant Thief Chu Liuxiang  had once said, "I'll be here tonight, riding the moonlight." Nobody had even heard of a thief stealing in broad daylight. Of course, one could see that no matter how you beautified an act of thievery, it was still a shady business.

Using the same logic, Ye Ci, who was prepared to do the same thing, would of course choose to do it in the middle of the night.

Fate's weather was every changing. There was wind and rain, thunder and lighting, and even brilliant white snow. There were even nights with a clear moon where the stars were few, or even a clear and boundless sky at times. The weather here was 100% realistic. The changing of the four seasons was the most basic feature.

That night had been perfect.

Night in Fate coincided with the night time in real life. According to the system's internal calendar, it was an autumn night. The night was dark. Not even a single star illuminated the sky, and chilly winds blew softly. Most of the players had gone to bed. Even those who had not were doing random stuff like fishing or perhaps leveling up. In short, there were not many players around in the guild encampment.

Such weather, such a silent night. It was the perfect timing for a thief to go to work.

It was not the first time Ye Ci had pulled off a heist. She had quite some experience in her last life, but she had never done it alone. This was the first time Ye Ci went in alone, and it was a whole new experience for her.

At that time, she had a group with her. Everybody had their own task. Once they'd confirmed the target, they would carry out their operation methodically. There were players who acted as lookouts, there were those who were tasked with breaking into the guild warehouse, while some others served as distraction. With this, they saved a lot of time and had a high success rate. But, all these heists happened 3 years after Fate was officially launched.

After quite a few years of getting to know the game, the large scale battles between the 2 opposing factions began. It meant that fights between guilds of the same continent became less interesting for players. After all, a war between guilds of the same continent was a waste of resources. That was why players came up with an even more despicable way to deal with their competitors: ransacking their guild warehouse.

When the market for such services arose, parties that were specialised in heists quickly emerged. As long as they were paid, they would rob a target. Such groups hid their identities well, eluding even their employers, not to mention their victims.

"Leaving after the job was done, leaving behind glory and fame." This saying could best used to describe such individuals.

Such heists caused huge losses to guilds. Although complaints were made by the players, Fate officials showed no intention of changing the feature. According to the game's developers, "This will add more fun to the game." People would even rob banks in real life, so why can't a guild warehouse be robbed? That was the official explanation by Fate's developers. This answer meant that guilds with encampments that were lower than level 5 could only bemoan their bad luck and work their hardest to level up their guild encampment to lower the chance of their guild being robbed.

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