Chapter 60: The Frosty Wasteland

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On the surface, everybody was from the same guild. The guild was like a warm and loving family, and its members were like brothers and sisters. But in reality, it was all nonsense, just like the advertisements shown on TV.

As the saying goes, "don't judge a medicine by its advertisement, but by its potency."

Steel-Blooded Battle Spear had a fantastic advertisement, but its potency was mediocre.

Internally, the discrimination was real. Ye Ci's treatment was the perfect example. The moment she threatened the position of an influential member's position, Ye Ci became a hindrance.

Ye Ci was dissatisfied after hearing the news from Zero Arsenic. It was not because she wanted the position of the commander. In a party like this, she would rather go idling in a dungeon like this... But as a commander, she'll be given priority when distributing the loot, this was the one thing she was interested in.

This was something that even Ye Ci could think of, so how could the higher-ups overlook it? Zero Arsenic's intention was to ensure that the fertile water did not flow into Ye Ci's farm.

Ye Ci was a Huntress, and there were also other Hunters and Huntresses in Steel-Blooded Battle Spear. They did not wish to see Ye Ci having priority when it came down to loot distribution.

Ye Ci understood the logic behind it. What an understanding child she was. That was why she kept quiet after hearing Zero Arsenic's words.

Ye Ci remembered that the info on Frosty Wasteland provided by Fate officials was really very vague. They rated the dungeon as "a dungeon so easy that it's literally handing out equipment to players."

Was Frosty Wasteland as easy as the officials claimed it to be? Ye Ci grimaced. Those who didn't listen to officials might not be deemed good children, but trusting everything the officials said didn't necessarily make one a good child either.

Clear Moon was fishing by Pearl Lake at Shuna Heights.

"Weren't you focusing on leveling up your Forging skill? When did you start fishing as well?" Ye Ci sat on a small boat in the middle of the lake with Clear Moon. She dipped her legs into the cold water. She couldn't resist the urge to stretch as she enjoyed that sheer satisfaction.

"I recently acquired a recipe to craft some plating which can increase physical damage by 60 points. Tetra Fish Scales were one of the required materials, and this place has the most Tetra Fish in the entire Eastern Continent." Clear Moon spoke softly, not wanting to scare away the fish.

He handed a few plating to Ye Ci, "Sister, I made these yesterday. I was gonna mail them to you, but there isn't a single mailbox around here, so I can only hand it to you in person."

Ye Ci accepted the plating without hesitation.

Tetra Plating: Can be socketed into armors and weapons. Increases physical damage by 60.

The Tetra Plating was a very good item. A normal equipment would need to be refined 6 to 8 times before it was able to have a bonus 60 physical damage. Factoring in the chances of failure in refining the equipment, it would cost players several hundred gold. But socketing a Tetra Plating to a piece of equipment could easily solve the problem. In the future, if they could start to purchase game credits, this item would be worth a lot.

Knowing that Clear Moon would not accept any monetary compensation from her, Ye Ci did not bring up the matter. She simply left for Red Lake City after an idle chat with him. She then sent him a bundle of ores afterwards.

Ye Ci did not receive any missions from Steel-Blooded Battle Spear the day before they explored the Frosty Wasteland, so she was free. She decided to spend her free time by acquiring some equipment for Remote Depths. Ye Ci contacted Clingy Wolf and invited a random Cleric along the way, and the four of them entered a 5-man dungeon.

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