Chapter 194 (Part 1, 2, 3)

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Chapter 194 It's You! (1)

Ye Ci was almost late for her class on the next day. She had barely entered the lecture hall before the bell rang, signaling the beginning of classes . This was a very unfortunate event for Fang Susu who had an excited grin hanging on her face. It was obvious that there was something she needed to say to Ye Ci, but was unable to do so as the class had just started.

Noticing her effort of trying to suppress her excitement, Ye Ci wrote down some words in her notebook, "What? Have you been constipated for 3 days straight?"

Fang Susu glared at Ye Ci before furiously scribbling in the notebook, "Do you want to die? I go to the toilet everyday! Constipation has nothing to do with me! Do I look like I'm constipated?"

Ye Ci chuckled, and ignored Fang Susu. She knew that Fang Susu had something to share, but they were currently attending the class of one of the most renowned professors on their campus. The professor was strict, and prohibited students from talking in his class, and would often direct questions at his students. He would even randomly call out names before, during and after class. Nobody had the courage to skip one of the professor's classes.

Despite her strong desire to share her story with Ye Ci, Fang Susu was forced to suppress herself It was as if she was sitting on pins and needles. The old man standing on the podium adjusted his spectacles, and chanced upon Fang Susu who was excitedly fidgeting around. After looking up her name on the seating plan, the old man spoke up, "Miss Fang Susu."

Fang Susu quivered when her name was called by the professor. All thoughts of speaking with Ye Ci immediately left her mind as she stood up, "Here!"

"Were there a lot of people in the female's lavatory earlier on?"

"Huh?" with the expression on Fang Susu's face, it was as if she had seen a ghost. She was lost for words, and could not even fathom the meaning behind such a random question. But, with the old man waiting for an answer, Fang Susu replied, "I-I d-don't know."

"Ah... There must be a lot of people queueing up in the lavatory then." the old man nodded. The students were confused. Ye Ci who was a witness of the professor's sharp tongue in her last life however, hid her head behind a book, trying her best to hold back laughter.

"If that's the case..." the old man adjusted his spectacles and directed an innocent smile at Fang Susu, "So why do you look like you've missed your chance to go to the lavatory before the class started?"

Fang Susu was so embarrassed that her face immediately blushed into a bright shade of red.

"Do you want to go to the lavatory?" as the students began to chuckle, the old man continued with a very concerned tone, "Don't hold it in. You youngsters do not know the dangers of holding your excrements in..."

"Sir! I don't feel like going to the toilet! And I'm not going to the toilet!" Fang Susu who was embarrassed by the professor cut the old man off.

The old man continued on with a kind tone, "Ah... I see.. Sit down then. I know it's my fault. You're a girl after all. I shouldn't have mentioned something like this."

"Sir!" Fang Susu's anger flared. What the hell does this old man want? I have not even started talking? Why did he call me out and humiliated me? Is he still a man?

"Ahh.. Alright then. Let us begin the class." noticing that Fang Susu was truly angry, the professor started the class.

Although Fang Susu was gravely offended by this brief episode before the class, the students paid the incident no heed. The professor's "immoral behavior" was a widely known fact. The old man had even remembered to say the following words to Fang Susu after class: "Miss Fang Susu, hurry and go! The class is over."

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