Melodious Flute breathed a sigh of relief. He then chuckled. Now is the best time to flee! He immediately hurtled in the opposite direction of Ol' Four. However, there was always a saying.

An unlucky individual will choke even when taking a sip of water.

As Melodious Flute turned around and ran, he bumped into a person, "I'm sorry..."

Melodious Flute was stunned into silence before he could finish his sentence. The person that he had bumped into was none other than the female jinx.

"Hehehe..." As Melodious Flute stared up at her impassive face, he could feel his own face growing stiff. "Female jin-, I mean, Gongzi You. Long time no see!"

Ye Ci had no time to waste on Melodious Flute in the heat of battle. Moreover, she was behind enemy lines. She abruptly raised her hand and gave the helpless Melodious Flute a shove. The Rogue staggered a few steps before he fell flat on his butt. It was an embarrassing sight.

Melodious Flute had cooked up various ways Gongzi You would exact her vengeance on him but this was not what he expected. By the time he struggled to get up and look for Gongzi You, she was nowhere to be seen. Did she let me go just like that? Or perhaps she left because she was deep behind enemy lines and had no time to waste on me?

Melodious Flute's thoughts were as chaotic as the ongoing battle. He could not comprehend the reason behind Gongzi You's decision. In his heart, he began to accept the fact that Gongzi You let him off because he was not worth the effort and she was being pursued by Northern Continent players.

At times, one must not be overly optimistic. Otherwise, when the truth hit home, they would be in a world of pain.

For example, Melodious Flute's current situation. Just as he thought that he had been let off the hook, he was suddenly enveloped in darkness. Then, there was a system notification, "You have been eaten by Gongzi You's pet."


So this was why Gongzi You had not attack him. Her pet had been right behind him all along. She never had the time nor effort to waste on him, and left him to her pet instead.

Was there somebody as bitter, as tragic and as unlucky as he was?

Even if he was nothing compared to Gongzi You, he was still one of the best Rogues in the Northern Continent. For him to die in such a manner... What a bitter end! He, Melodious Flute, had been killed in battle; fallen to his death; drowned to death; beaten to death by a BOSS; killed in an explosion... He had died in various horrible ways, but this was the first time he had died after being used as food for somebody else's pet.

How embarrassing!

As he was devoured by Ol' Four, there was not even a corpse left to be revived. By the time the darkness faded away, he was greeted by a desolate sight. When he turned around, he realized that he was already in spirit form, waiting to be respawned in the graveyard.

Melodious Flute checked his equipment after he respawned. He was lucky to have not lost any items. Since his death had been too embarrassing, he had to keep it a secret. Moreover, there was no way he was returning to the battlefield. If he was spotted by Gongzi You again, he would not get away so easily. Melodious Flute pricked up his ears in the direction of the battlefield. The sounds of the ongoing battle made his blood boil, but ultimately he decided to turn around and head to the port instead.

Sigh. Some people were not to be messed with.

The Northern Continent players fell into momentary disarray when their healers were decimated by Ye Ci's Rain of Arrows.

An anonymous person once said: No matter developed and advanced a MMORPG is, the basic classes in the game will remain the same. There were 3 base classes in online games, Tanks, DPS and healers. They formed a golden triangle, from which other classes slowly branched out. With the development of MMORPGs, no matter how many new classes were added, their battle attributes were still closely related to the 3 main classes.

This composition of character classes in battle will never change in any situation. In geometry classes, the math teacher had spoken of the stability of a triangle. But the moment one side of the triangle collapsed... the steel-lined triangular battle formation would fall apart..

What a situation like that caused was clear -- either a one-sided defeat in battle or a slow suffocatingly painful loss. Of course, this only applied in a situation where both sides have equal strength. If one of the combatants was superior, they would be able to steamroll the opposition without resorting to shattering the triangle.

In this particular battle, Ye Ci was quick to realize that there was no sign of collapse in the lines of the Northern Continent players despite of the decimation of their healers. Instead, they were quick to reorganize themselves and began throwing themselves into battle once again.

What the hell was going on?

A player who had experienced countless battles would not panic under any circumstances. Naturally, Ye Ci remained calm. She halted her attacks and rode Ol' Four around the Northern Continent player's formation, inciting the aggravation of many players who pursued her with the intent to kill. As she ran, she observed their formation carefully. After silently pondering, she finally understood the full extent of the situation.

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