This is it... I wish I could have at least said goodbye to Minju...

Suddenly, a blinding flash knocked the man away, blasting him into the wall.

"You know, just because you're extraordinary, doesn't mean you can go around being a moron."


"I can't believe I'm doing this right now. You're lucky I have my reasons."

Y/n fought to keep his eyes open to figure out who this mysterious figure was.

"Relax. You don't have plot armor. If you strain yourself, you're going to die."

Y/n relaxed his body, feeling his wounds reopen.

Am I really going to be okay?

As he felt the blood pool around him, Y/n's mind could only go to Minju.

Minju... I might be able to see you again after all...

After a few moments, Y/n felt the pain start to recede.

What's going on...

"I've closed your wounds. Chill on the movements. If they reopen, you're going to die. I won't save you if that happens."

Y/n opened his eyes, getting a clear view of his savior.


"Shut up. Don't talk."


"What did I just say?"

"To be quiet..."

"Yet what are you doing?"

Y/n closed his mouth, hoping to not instigate something he didn't want.

"Good. Now, I'm going to watch over you. But aside from the first few hours, you're on your own. Got it? You're lucky I'm even keeping you alive."

Jisoo began walking away.


Y/n reached his arm out, only to see Jisoo slowly walking away from him. Once out of sight, Y/n relaxed his body once more, sighing.

I assume these guys are out of commission. How long do I have to wait here?

From atop another building, Jisoo sat on the edge, swinging his feet in the wind.

"You're lucky Wonyoung ah would kill me if she found out that I let you die. You're not important to her at all, but you're still a person."

Jisoo pulled out a Melona popsicle, gnawing on it while it defrosted.

"Let's see if you know how long to rest before moving. If you don't then you die here. That won't be my problem though. I can at least say I tried."

Y/n closed his eyes as he propped himself against a wall.

Luckily none of my wounds reopened from that. I guess I'll just sleep here for now. Good thing I'm in heavy clothing...

Y/n dozed off, feeling the chill midnight air clash with his warm breath. When he woke up, all of the bodies around him were gone.


Y/n carefully slid his phone out of his pocket, checking the time.

Ah... I'm late for school. Not that I can actually attend right now anyway heh....

Y/n sighed as he looked at the sky.

I actually almost died last night... What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I react to anything? Something like that should be a piece of cake to stop, yet I was caught off guard every time... Why?

Y/n took another deep breath, causing his stomach to grumble.

I'm hungry...

Y/n looked back at his phone, opening up his texts from Minju.

She didn't text me this morning...

Y/n felt a sharp pain alerting him

SHIT- DID I- Ah... It's just my heart aching.

Y/n chuckled.

What should I do now? Should I change? Or should I go up to her to apologize? She probably doesn't want me talking to her until she's ready. That's if she even wants to talk to me in the first place... What am I saying? If I talk to her in this outfit she's going to see multiple stab wounds and kill me herself!!

Y/n looked at the top of the buildings, finding Jisoo looking down at him before saluting with two of his fingers.

He's still here? I thought he said I was on my own... He could just be watching for his own entertainment... He's definitely not human, so I guess that would make sense.

To his surprise, Jisoo jumped from the top of the building, landing on his feet.

"How are you feeling?"

Y/n chuckled.

"I'm managing."


Y/n furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Jisoo walk away.

That kid confuses me...

Jisoo walked through the city, eventually reaching his part of town a few hours later. As he approached his house, he found Wonyoung and Minju standing next to each other.

"How are we going to find these two?"

"Find who two?"

The two girls turned around, gasping as they laid eyes on the small boy.


Wonyoung jumped onto the smaller boy, leaving Minju staring in shock.

"Where have you been?"


Minju stepped forward.

"Do you know where Y/n is?"

"Do I? That's a good question. Why do you ask?"

"He wasn't anywhere to be found today..."

"He wasn't at school?"

"Nor his house."

"He wasn't at the park?"

"I didn't check there..."


"So... Do you know where he is?"

"I know how he is."

"What do you mean??"

"He's alive."

"Thanks, that helps a lot!! I definitely didn't just ask where he is!!!"

"He's quite far away."

"Is he okay?!"

"He's alive."

"Where though..."

"Can't say. I just saw him last night."

"You saw him last night?"

"I did. I can't say anything else though. I was just on a walk."

Jisoo began walking to his house with Wonyoung clinging onto him.

"If you'll excuse me. I have some sleep to catch up on."

Minju watched as the couple walked into Jisoo's house before sighing.

"I hope you're okay Y/n..."

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz