🐃 Chapter Thirty Nine 🐃

Depuis le début

There was music, dancing, cooking and a lot of playing going around in the compound. It was noisy and chaotic but the good kind where everyone was happy and in a festive mood.

Before we even reached my mom's hut, Lulu was pulled away from my hands by an overly excited Ruth who wouldn't stop screaming and jumping around with my girl in her arms. When she was done fussing over Lulu only then did she notice me.

"Hi James."Ruth greeted as she let go of Lulu to hug me.

"Hi. How was the honeymoon?"I asked.

"It was a dream, thanks to you two for making it possible."She gushed.

"Our pleasure."I replied with a tight smile remembering how I'd almost ruined my relationship with Lulu by letting my pride get the better of me that day.

"James and I are going to find his mom so we can say hello but I'll come find you soon so we can catch up."Lulu suggested to Ruth who nodded enthusiastically.

Taking Lulu's hand once more we weaved through more people before we finally made it to my mom's hut. We could hear her voice from inside delegating orders so we let ourselves in glad to get away from all the noise. She noticed us before we even got a chance to say a word. She abandoned what she was doing with my sister before she approached us.

"My children, welcome home."She cheered excitedly hugging is separately.

"Thanks mom."I replied with a smile.

"How are you mom?"Lulu asked after we were ushered to chairs.

"I'm okay, I just missed you two but I'm happy now that you're here for the new year."She replied with a smile.

"We're happy to be back mama. Looks like there's even more people this year."I commented remembering the crowd outside.

"Our family grows every year son, this year we invited Lulu's friends who didn't go home for the holidays and all the workers from the neighboring villages who were are helping with the construction are here too."My mom explained.

"That was very generous of you mom, thank you."Lulu answered gratefully.

"You take care of us so we take care of you. Now tell me, how are your sisters?"Mom asked.

It took half an hour for us to catch up over had happened during Christmas. After my mom had had her fill of the both of us she sent us outside to join everyone else while she finished up with the preparations.

"I think your mom loves me more than she loves you."Lulu teased.

"I'd argue with you but it's true. I agree with her though, you are pretty lovable."I replied kissing her cheek.

She smiled and quickly pecked my cheek. I was about to turn and kiss her lips when the last person I expected to see approached us.

"James hello, it's been a while. How've you been?" Nalutuesha greeted completely ignoring Lulu by my side.

Before I could reply Lulu stepped infront of me separating Nalutuesha and me.

"He's good and so am I. How are you by the way? I heard you got fired from the clinic."Lulu retorted sizing her up.

Nalutuesha was a petty person and she has crossed Lulu more than once so I understood why my girl was prickly when it came to Nalu.

"I didn't get fired, I quit."Nalutuesha replied confidently even if we all knew that she was lying.

She had been fired for poor misconduct, rudeness and neglect of patients assigned to her.

"Sure you were."Lulu replied with an eye roll.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant