She distracted herself, thinking of things she had yet to do to finalise their holiday in a few months' time. She was on her way to see Derek now, and he'd know instantly if she was even the slightest bit upset. She didn't want to worry him.

His door was propped open, so she didn't bother knocking. She leant against the doorframe; her arms crossed over her chest. Mark and Addison were sat across the desk from him. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but there seemed to be a bit of a heated discussion, so she figured she'd wait.

"She's your sister, Derek." She caught Addison's voice, that was quickly followed by a groan in frustration from Derek.

"I know very well she's my sister, but why does she have to come and work here? They couldn't find anyone else?"

"She's qualified to fill the role, probably better than surgeons who have been qualified for ten years. You know she's good." Addison shook her head leaning back in her chair.

"How am I supposed to be her boss?"

Meredith couldn't help but scoff, rolling her eyes as she stepped into the room. She could feel all three sets of eyes on her, but she didn't care. She moved behind Derek's chair, running her fingers through his hair. He seemed to visibly relax under her touch.

"Do you think I have ever liked working with my mother?" She asked him.

"That's different." He shook his head.

"Not really." She shrugged, moving to perch herself on the arm of his chair.

His arm moved around her waist. "She's not your direct boss; you work in different specialties."

"You forget I did my residency here." She looked down at him, raising her eyebrows. "I know exactly what it's like to work with family in close capacity. I don't see your problem."

"She's just... a lot."

"You mean she's not grumpy like you?" Mark joined in with a laugh.

"I love Amelia, she's my favourite sister. I love that she followed me into neurosurgery. I just didn't ever envision being her boss, working in the same hospital as her."

"I look forward to meeting her personally." Meredith turned to press a kiss to his forehead. "Ellis has invited you and Maddie for dinner on Saturday night."

"Because that isn't fear inducing at all." He met her eyes with a smirk, and she shook her head in amusement.

"Meredith, are we still on for your appointment tomorrow?" Addison asked, catching Meredith off guard a little.

Her hands joined in her lap, fidgeting as she answered. "Yeah, I'll be there."

"Good, come on Mark, we'll not make our reservations if we sit around listening to Derek complain."

'Yes, dear." Mark sighed, shaking his head as he stuck up. He looked to Derek. "When did we get so whipped? We need a night at the bar."

"We'll arrange something." Derek chuckled, his hand gently squeezing Meredith's side as the pair left the room.

"I'm sure Maddie and I can have another girls' night." Meredith looked to him, smiling softly.

"Why do you have an appointment with Addison?" Derek asked with a frown, gently urging her to move into his lap.

She sighed as she did so, one arm slung around the back of his neck. "She's my gynaecologist, I trust her."

"Any specific reason?" He asked, playing with the end of her ponytail, and kissing her cheek.

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