Chapter 26

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Mark paid since you didn't have any money, and like he had said, lead the way to Art's place to get your suit made right after dinner. Mark entered the room swiftly, Art having expected him. "So, what's this about you needing a new suit made?" Mark smiled wide. "Not for me." He glanced up the stairs as you swung through the door, leaning up against the railing. With a polite smile, you waved. "Hi, Art." Art's brows rose. "You're... you're alive?" Your eyes widened as you looked at Mark. "I thought he knew??" You exclaimed, Mark's eyes wide in panic as well. "I thought he knew too! Dad didn't tell you?" Mark turned to Art, shocked the man hadn't been told of your resurrection. Art shook his head slowly, taking a deep breath. "Well, what the hell happened? How are you..." He gestured at you. "here?"

Scratching your cheek, you gave him as brief of an explanation as you could, filling him in on how you had died, and then came back to life. You also gave him a good explanation of the ability you came back with. Upn hearing about your Viltrumite capabilities, the man frowned. "Since when were you Viltrumite?" He had asked, to which you could only shrug and reply, "Since I was resurrected, I guess."

Art was able to adjust to the fact you were alive surprisingly well, and was even get into the business of making you a suit relatively quickly. "You got a color scheme, or a name you wanna go with?" He chuckled. "Want something more gothic to go with your power-theme?" You laughed, rubbing the back of your neck. "Honestly, I'm not completely sure at the moment, but black is probably gonna end up in there somehow anyway." He nodded, jotting something down. "Alright. Wanna try on some suits now and see if there's anything you like?" You shrugged. "Sure."

After around three suits that served no purpose other than being ill-fitted and odd in their design, you found a suit that had certain qualities you enjoyed. "I like the sweat-pant and boot feel... but as for the top, maybe something a little different? And not a fan of the mask- it's a bit too... rubbery." Art nodded, writing some things down on a notepad. "So you got any ideas for the top then?" You Purse your lips, thinking for a moment. "Sleeveless turtleneck with gloves." Was your answer, which Art nodded with a somewhat proud smile. "Good choice. And, again, any name ideas?"

So, I'm Death Sworn. Death Kin. Any names that don't sound super evil but are in that genre?

"Hey, Mark? Got any cool names that have to do with death or necromancy that don't sound evil?" You asked, turning to Mark, whose brows furrowed in thought. "Hmmm, that's a tough one..." Art glanced between you and Mark, his brows suddenly raising as he got an idea of his own. "What about Azrael?" Both you and Mark looked at him, curious. "It's more of an alias than a superhero name, but it's the name of the Archangel of Death, which isn't really meant to be evil, so it could work." Bane curled tight around your finger- you hadn't taken it off. You heard him whisper in your mind. A fitting title. You grinned upon hearing Bane's approval. "I love it! Azrael it is!"

Art smiled and nodded, prompting you to get down from the stand and change back into your regular clothes. Once you were finished, you came back out to see Art already making a few sketches. "Already working on it?" You laughed out, only for the man to look up at you and shrug. "What can I say? I chose this career for a reason." You snickered, turning towards the exit to see Marek at the top of the stairs waiting for you. "Ready to head home? Should be ready in a week, right Art?" Art nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah, just about."

Hopping up the stairs, you knocked Mark in the shoulder before running out, Mark chasing you as the two of you chortled.

"I can't wait to see it when it's finished." Mark told you as the two of you flew home. You grinned. "Me neither. As long as it's comfortable, though."

As you flew over the city, you found your eyes drifting to the buildings and lights below. It's around 8... maybe I could go say hi? Go learn a few more things.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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