Chapter 13

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"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Grayson! Have a nice vacation!" You waved them goodbye and left out the door, not giving Debbie time to tell you to call them by first name. Letting out a huff, you massaged your head, walking towards your car. You hopped in, shutting the door behind you and sliding down against the back of the cushioning. "Ugh, this headache has been killing me."

It's been a day since the whole break-in thing, but outside of that, the Grayson's had been preparing to leave on a vacation to make use of their time without Mark. You were pretty sure they were heading somewhere around Italy, and a part of you hoped they would bring back souvenirs.

Turning the key, your car revived to life, and with your pounding head you began to make your way to the Parr's current whereabouts, which at the moment happened to be their actual home, rather than a summer home. Being your sudden bout of loneliness, you hoped they would allow you to spend your time there. Just in case, you called Uncle Parr, just to check in with him.

Dialing the number, you set your phone on your center console, making sure it was on speaker.

Uncle Parr: "Hello, Y/n! What's up?"

You couldn't help but smile- he sounded so much better now.

Y/n: "Oh, nothing much. You sound better- how are you feeling?"

Uncle Parr: "Much better now, thank you. Colin's helped a lot-"

Uncle Colin: "Hi!!! Who are you talking to? Oh- Y/n? Hi Y/n!"

Y/n: *laughter* "Hi, Mr. Colin. You two aren't busy, are you? I'm not interrupting anything?"

Uncle Parr: "No, you're fine. We're just finishing up brunch. Why? Is something wrong?"

Y/n: "Oh- no, I'm fine. I was just wondering if you guys would be alright with me hanging out with you guys for a few days?"

Uncle Parr: "Of course you can! We're at home, by the way. You remember where that is, right?"

Y/n: *scoffs* "How could I not? That mansion is a masterpiece of modernism mixed with ancient japanese architecture. It's frickin beautiful."

Uncle Parr: *chuckles* "Well, Colin would be very happy to hear that. He designed it himself."

Uncle Colin: *silverware clattering* "What? Are we talking about me?"

It sounded like they were doing dishes in the background- probably cleaning up brunch.

Uncle Parr: *dishes clanging* "Yes and no. Y/n will be here in a bit- you can gush to them about architecture in a bit."

Y/n: "Detec- Brian- wait, please-"

Uncle Parr: "Too late. I'll see you here!"

And with that the tone went dead, beeping for a moment before the screen returned to the contacts list. You chuckled, shifting in your seat as you made a turn. "Great, now Unlce Colin's going to talk my ear off about architecture." Normally you'd be all for it, but with your headache... you weren't so sure.

When you arrived at the mansion you took a moment to take in the scenery again. It had the look of a more modern house, with the sleek lines and somewhat minimalist colors, but had a roof that expanded from the ceiling of the building, spreading flat. There were many windows and halls, and for the most part, it was a one story building. The only rooms that were on the second story was a fine dining room, which was met by a balcony that reached out over their pool. You hoped some of your things in your guest room were still there- you were looking forward to the possibility of swimming in their cave-like collection of pools and spas.

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