Chapter 24

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You awoke with a migraine pounding in your head, your skull feeling as though it had been cracked in two. The memories that flooded you of what happened the night before only made it worse. Clutching your head in your hands, you rose, slowly and steady, squinting at the light that streamed in through the windows. Blinking, you made to look at the nearest clock, noticing that it was nearly noon- meaning the Graysons had let you sleep in for once. The house was empty and quiet, which was a startling realization, as it was rare for all three of the Graysons to be gone. Turning to stand from the couch, you noticed a notepad on the living room table. It was a short note from Debbie.

Had to go to work, Nolan is away and Mark is at school. Feel free to help yourself to food :)

P.s. if you plan on going out, be careful and make sure no one sees you. Cecil's orders.

With a sigh you lowered the notepad, albeit with a soft smile at the fact that Debbie cared. Well that's good at least. Guess that means I won't be training then. With a long groan you got to your feet, cracking your back and massaging your head, hoping it would lessen the pain. "Bane? Can we talk?" You rumbled, feeling him slip from your finger in a wet blot of ink, none of which stained your finger, thank goodness.

"What is it?"

You scowled, rolling your eyes as you made your way towards the fridge. "Oh, I think you know very well what "it" is." Even with your attitude, Bane remained poised, hands folded behind his back as he stood across the counter from you. "I'm assuming from your current disposition, you are upset about last night." Taking meat and cheese from the fridge, you slammed the door shut, glaring daggers at your familiar. "Oh really? You're assuming? And why would you make the assumption that I am upset?" You egged him on, taking bread from the pantry and setting it on the counter beside the meat and cheese. "Because you killed people." Bane replied, nonchalant and with an apathetic tone. "And...?" You waved your hand at him, setting a plate on the counter and placing two slices of bread on it. "And, once again, I am assuming, you'd prefer not to kill." You snapped, flashing him an angry and mocking grin. "Bingo! Now, what the hell was it you did to me that compelled me do that?" You asked, adding in your meat and cheese.

Bane stood quiet, eyes glossed over in thought. You arched a brow. "Uh, hello? What did you do?" He blinked. "I did not do anything. I merely encouraged you." With barely leashed rage, you slammed the slice of bread on top of the sandwich harshly, eye twitching. "And by encouraging me, you mean what, exactly?"

"As Death Kin, you already hunger for blood and death, and the souls of those who wronged you. I was merely showing you how famished you were, numbing you to your ethics and morals and making you see that in order to survive, you must feed. And those men that were after you were the perfect candidates, seeing that they had tried to kill you."

You froze. "How often do I need to feed?" You asked him, terror flowing through your veins.

"It varies. The longest you could go would be a century, but in that case it would take over a billion souls to satiate your appetite. Doing it in little bursts makes it so that you have to do it more, but in smaller numbers.

"Being the amount you consumed last night, though, I doubt you'll be needing to do it again for a good amount of time. Unless, that is, you feel the need to get ahead of the curve."

You gestured at your familiar erratically. "What "curve??" Why wasn't I told that in order to live, I'd need to kill people?!" Something flickered behind Bane's eyes. "You... don't have to. It will shorten your lifespan, though." A sense of something more grave came over you as you held your sandwich, brows furrowed. "By how much?" He folded his hands over the counter. "Your lifespan would be that of a regular human's. If you feed, you'll live as long as you're meant to, and have power within the Underworld to do what you were born to do."

The Unkillable: Death Sworn [INVINCIBLEXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now