Chapter 10

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The door closed behind you and Nolan, with you still trembling as you stumbled along. Mark sped over, Debbie glancing over from the couch curiously. "Hey-!" When he noticed your state, his gleeful expression shifted into that of pure worry. "Holy- Y/n, you look- what the hell happened to you?" He gently grasped your arms, to which you fell into his embrace, broken and numb. Nolan and Debbie met one another's eyes, Debbie eyes full of fear and concern for you, while Nolan maintained a serious frown. Nolan set a hand to your back, meeting Mark's gaze. "Go take a shower, Y/n." Mark nodded solemnly as he led you upstairs and to the bathroom, giving you words of comfort.

Debbie met her husband's eye again. "What happened?" Debbie asked, standing to be at Nolan's side. "They... They killed someone." Debbie's eyes widened. "What? How- why?" Nolan pressed his hands to her shoulders, trying to help reassure her. "It's fine. It was in self-defense. I contacted Cecil about it, and he said that he'd take care of it." Debbie pressed a hand to her mouth. "Oh my God..." Nolan let out a sigh, wrapping his arms around her, concerned as well. "I know. They're fine now, though." Debbie returned the hug, but her worry did not relent. "Are you sure? I don't think they're processing things so well. They looked as if they... as if they died." Nolan held a grave expression, brows creasing deeply as he held Debbie. His eyes were locked on where you had left. "I know."

Upstairs, Mark had started the shower for you, and left you alone in the bathroom to wash up. Slowly and carefully, you removed your clothing, looking at yourself in the mirror with a blank expression. You had more color than before, but still had that black oozing and pulsating gash in your belly. It didn't phase you as much as it had before. Your eyes though- you started into them deeply. There were deep bags beneath them, and some veins popping out around them. Outside of the streaks and veins of inky darkness that contaminated your body, you were still covered in dirt and dried blood. So, a shower was a good idea, even if you were a little distressed for what might happen when the wound made contact with the water.

Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the steaming downpour of hot water, sliding the glass door closed behind you. The water slid down your skin in droplets and streams. You let out a sigh and untensed, the feeling of the hot water refreshing you. Dropping your head down to look at the tear in your stomach, you found the raised black patches of skin falling away, like dead skin cells. Rubbing your thumb along the tissue, it fell away faster, without pain. After a moment of scrubbing and watching the clumps of black and oily blood stream down your legs and into the drain, you found nothing left of the wound. All that remained was a small black rash of small streaks, with microscopic black veins that faded out surrounding it.

Sweat mixed with the water as you washed your hands of the ebony death, and wiped your face with cleaner hands. Finally, you reached for the body wash, moving on to clean your body of the rest of the dirt with proper soap. You no longer hurt- you only ached and felt fatigue, bringing you to sit on the shower floor as water fell upon you in a rain. Steam rose from you, curling in opposition with the water that cascaded down and battered you. You felt so heavy- heavier than you ever had while taking a shower- sitting in your overwhelming amount of lethargy.

Who knows how much time had passed when you finally turned the water off, and crawled from the shower. You wrapped a towel around yourself, taking another for your head as you left the bathroom, heading for Mark's room. "Hey, dude?" He wasn't in his room. "Mark?" You called out, the boy peeking out from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah?" You turned towards him, looking as though you were on the edge of sleep. "I need some clothes." His eyes widened momentarily, as he called out a "be right back" behind him, before climbing up the stairs and past you. He headed into his room, and you followed him, watching from the doorway as he went through his clothes. Having collected a t-shirt and pants, he handed them to you, smiling softly. "Here. We're- uh- we're ready to talk whenever you are." You nodded in thanks, heading back into the bathroom with the clothes.

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