Chapter 20

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You were in complete and utter agony. Your body was skeletal and brittle. Everything was dark. It hurt. You couldn't move. You couldn't even open your eyes, and could barely breathe. Each breath expanded your stagnant lungs and rib cage, sending another dozen stabs into your chest.

Darkness passed.

You awoke again to the same feeling, but lesser. You could breathe easier, but each twitch to your extremities cracked and splintered the deepest marrow of your bones. You would have to wait longer for your body to thaw.

Another blank space for memory with nothing but void to recall.

A third time you awoke, feeling more sentient than before. Your palms stung and throbbed with an odd feeling- the feeling of new life. Cold and painful to the air. The place you resided in stenched of earth and even death, but the scent of death was fading- and fast. You decided to close your eyes one last time.

You would awaken fully sentient, tired as though having woken up from a long midday nap.

Everything was dark, and the walls were thin and closed in around you. Panic consumed you as you felt against the wood, whimpering and trying to break through it. With surprising ease, you broke through the planks, dirt and mud filling what you were beginning to realize was a coffin. Holding your breath, you dug upward, every muscle in your body screaming as you crawled up. Your hand broke free from the ground, making contact with cold and wet air. Clawing at the ground, you pulled yourself further up, and out of the recently buried ditch, breaking free from the mud.

Finally breaking through, you gasped for breath, wiping the grime from your eyes. It was the dead of night, and rain poured from the darkened and cloudy skies. Dragging your legs from the grave, you stumbled, slowly getting to your feet. You breathed heavily, feeling much better than you felt you should. Heaving, you ran your hands through your dirt crusted hair, taking in your appearance and surroundings. You wore a (dress/tux), that of which had been torn and dirtied on your way up. Bane still wrapped himself around your finger, tight and reassuring in his presence.

Although it was incredibly dark out, you recognized what cemetery you were in- it would be a long walk to the Graysons. Your eyes widened as you remembered further- the Graysons! They would think you're dead, but who better to inform of your resurrection than a family that has multiple superheroes in it.

Putting one foot in front of the other, you limped towards the fence, finding a way over it with the help of a tree, and then hopping out and onto the sidewalk. Checking the street signs to make sure your assumptions were correct, you followed your instincts, making your way towards the Graysons' house. Your slow treading slowly turned into a speedy walk, and after that, into a jog. Being still sore and broken, there was no way you could push yourself to sprint, but the faster the better. You had missed everyone- it had been months since you had seen them. A part of you wondered if they had gotten over your death yet. A part of you hoped they had, and another hoped they hadn't. But you made sure not to ponder it too much as you ran, holding your aching side as you continued onward, jumping fences and crossing roads, not waiting a single moment to stop. As you kept running, you found yourself quickly recovering- perhaps it was due to the side effects of being Death Sworn, or Death Kin.

In the blink of an eye, you stood before the house. Although it felt like a blink of an eye, you knew it had been over an hour of running. Approaching the door, nearly tripping, you hesitated. A pit weighed in your stomach- what if you looked like a zombie? What if you scared them, or caused them to panic? What if they didn't recognize you? Stepping away from the door, you went up to the side of a car, looking into it to find your reflection. You looked surprisingly lively- the only things that could make you seem as though you had crawled from the grave were your formal clothing and the muddied look you held. Wiping some more of the dirt from our face, and trying to shake some more of it from your hair, you went up to the door, hesitating again. Taking a deep breath, you tried to open it, only to find it locked. "Of fucking course- I'm dumb." You muttered to yourself, backing away. Of course it was locked- that's why you always had your key with you.

Searching for another way in, you made your way to the side gate, hopping over it and heading into the backyard. Feeling for the sliding glass door, the light turned on, shocking you. You froze in place, panicked. As you freaked out, you approached the sliding glass door, cursing under your breath as you tried to open it. It opened, and the moment you set foot into the house your eyes met those of Debbies, the both of you paralyzed upon seeing one another. "M-Mom...?" You croaked, not knowing what to do. Her mouth was held agape with wide eyes as she took in your presence. Blinking, she caught her breath, realizing. "This- this isn't a dream, is it?" She said in a breathy tone, and in response you shook your head, affirming her suspicions. Carefully and cautiously, she made her way towards you, waving you along. "Come on." She whispered, encouraging and concerned in her tone. "Let's get you a shower."

She helped you upstairs and to the bathroom, leaving you there for a moment as she went to get you a new set of clothes. Setting it down on the bathroom counter, she took a deep and shaky breath, tears collecting in her eyes. "I'll- I'll go get Nolan-" You held your arm out, halting her. "W-Wait- please." She froze, eyes glimmering with thick tears. "I- I know I'm dirty, but can I please have a hug?" You asked, tone thick with snot as tears began to fill your eyes. She nodded, tears falling from her eyes with quivering lips. "Of course you can." She said, voice in a low whimper, embracing you. You returned the hug, not sobbing, but crying into her silently, glad to be able to hug her again. For some reason, you felt the need to apologize. But you didn't, wishing to relish the moment more.

After a long minute, the two of you released, and she wiped her eyes, looking down at her now muddy clothes and smiling, chuckling. "Now I'm going to need a change of clothes too." The two of you laughed, and she turned to leave. "I'll go get Nolan and Mark." You nodded. "Thank you." You stood, watching as the door closed, looking into the mirror. You took a deep breath, smiling as tears ran through the mud on your cheeks. Swallowing a thick ball of saliva, you began to remove your clothes, hiding Bane under a towel just in case he could still see you while in the form of a ring- you didn't want him to see you naked.

Turning on the shower, you let it warm you as you entered, embracing the steam of the water. A breath released itself from you, and you internally rejoiced.

You were alive again.

The Unkillable: Death Sworn [INVINCIBLEXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now