Chapter 18

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"Y/n was a wonderful and bright person. A friend to many. Family to even more. They meant everything to all of us."

Nolan stood before the grave, brows deeply creased and mind in other places as he made his speech. His family stood off to the side, crying. Debbie and Mark held one another in their tears, mother and son, but kept themselves from fully breaking down. The Parrs were there as well, attempting to hold back their sobs. Brian stood tall, holding his husband, face tense with concentration whilst tears rolled down his face. Colin cried into his arms, but still looked at the grave. Nolan brought some tears to his own eyes. Cecil and Donald stood off to the side, watching and waiting.

"They were many things- all good. And no one could ever replace them. There are no words I could use to properly convey my feelings. But I think we can all agree that they will be missed. If anyone else would like to say a few words, come on up." Nolan stepped aside, standing with his family. Brian took a deep breath, moving around the coffin to stand front and center and make a small speech.

"Y/n was strong when most were weak. Saw when others were blind. Understood when everyone ignored. They were the smartest kid I've ever met. I'm beginning to wonder if there ever was even a kid within that head of theirs." He let out a bittersweet chuckle. "They saved my life, and I saved theirs. We have both been through times of hardship and triumphed with one another at each other's side. And then they went the extra mile and saved me again. I have the scar over the skin of my heart, but now there's one within my heart too. But as I did with the last one, I will heal. It will take time, but I will. We all will."

Brian peered down at the coffin. "Rest well, kiddo." He muttered, placing a delicate hand on the casket. He went back to meet with his husband. Debbie looked to his son. "Do you want me to go with you?" He shook his head, sniffling. "No." He parted from his family, taking a deep breath before the coffin and began.

"I met Y/n when I was only 8. They knew weird tricks, and it freaked me out. But they were nice to me, so we were friends. They had shitty parents, so they chilled at our place when they were kicked out. When their parents died, we took them in. Adopted them." He let out a sad and breathy laugh. "Remember that, dad? You were all fussy about getting another kid to take care of, but during the trial you just... caved." He paused, his father's expression softer now. "Y/n has that effect on people. They soften the people they care about up with their love. And that is still with us. Those memories are still with us.

"So I think it'll be okay."

Mark left then, finishing his eulogy and standing beside his family again. The coffin slowly went into the ground, and everyone headed off to try and get on with their lives. Cecil and Donald remained over the covered grave. "Now for the waiting game." Cecil said, staring into the ground. "Let's see if Nolan's right about this one, or if he's just been fucking with us the entire time."


You opened your eyes and wiped the sleep from them as you looked around, finding that you were still laying on top of Bane's griffin form. "Where are we..?" You muttered, hopping off of the beast and stumbling around. Light filled your eyes- but only in small bulbs and orbs and lines of artificial flame. You found yourself standing before the edge of a flat rooftop, thousands of towers and skyscrapers spread out below you. "Bane?" You piped up, turning back towards him to find he was back in his more humanoid form again. "We are where Kayde was taken. You did want to find him, didn't you?" Your eyes widened as you nodded profusely. "Yeah! Of course I do." Bane readjusted the edges of his sleeves, approaching the door to the stairs. "Good. Then let us go." He said, opening the door for you.

The way down the stairs and into the building was easy, but actually finding Kayde was gonna have to be the hard part. You thought that he'd stand out, being his appearance and his demeanor, but everyone within the building looked the same- dress shirt and pants with a tie, and slicked back hair. They all acted the same too, which didn't help. It was as though you didn't exist. You walked up to one, tapping a man the shoulder as he stacked papers from a photocopier. "Hey, do you think you've seen a guy that-" The man completely ignored you, eyes blank and staring through you as though he couldn't see you. He finished stacking his papers and headed away. "Well that was rude." Bane stood beside you, looking across the sea of office workers with disgust. "They are entrapped in their work by a curse- it's where tortured souls that can't be resurrected go. It also gets work that no one wants to do, done." You sighed. "So they're in a trance? Is there anyone here who isn't? Like a manager?"

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