Chapter 6

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You arrived at the Pentagon in surprisingly little time, and immediately went to find Mark. The first place you looked was in Nolan's room, to which you only found Debbie. "Hey, where's Mark?" She looked up at you with tired eyes. "Down the hall. He's with an elderly woman named Maya." Nodding, you gave her a polite smile and thanked her, heading down the corridor.

Glancing through each door as you walked, you nearly passed the one Mark resided in, somehow missing his bright blue and yellow suit. Stepping back, you stopped, staring into the room to see Mark hunched over a bed with an elderly lady- who you were told was called Maya. You headed into the room, and quickly noticed that Mark was asleep, forehead resting on the edge of the bed. As quietly as possible, you pulled up a chair beside him, and draped your jacket over the two of you, since you were unable to quickly find a spare blanket. You leaned forward and rested your forehead next to his, pursing your lips. Even in the shadows, you could see that the area around his eyes was red and puffy. You could practically sense his pain.

Drawing your eyes from him and to Maya, you looked her up and down, bringing a pit to form in your stomach. You couldn't help but feel as if something were wrong. Somehow, you knew just by being near her, that she would die. You bit the inside of your cheek, fighting back the urge to cry. Nonetheless, tears cascaded down your cheeks as you pressed your forehead back into the edge of the bed, pressing your hands to your face. God, Mark. Fuck. I'm so sorry.


After having passed out, you awoke to the feeling of someone moving you. Mumbling and grumbling, you slowly opened your eyes to see Mark trying to lift you from your seat. He had your jacket tied around his waist, and was trying to hoist you up with your arm around his neck. You let out a tired and breathy chuckle. "Dude- what are you doing?" He barely batted an eye. "Trying to get you up. Either help me, or fall back asleep." Mark sounded grumpy, but also just as tired as you. So, you got yourself to your feet, allowing him to get you up and onto his back. "Thanks." You mumbled, already falling back asleep. "I should be thanking you." With closed eyes, you raised a brow. "What for?" You felt as he began to walk. "For being there, I guess." You smiled, yawning. "Of course. Together forever, bros or hoes, remember?" That got him to laugh. "Pfft- yeah, together forever." And you fell back asleep.


For some reason, after a day of feeling like shit, you decided that you would head to school early. You would do your homework at night, after work- if you even went, that was. But you did at least sleep in a little, but you primarily just wanted to head over to school and check up on Mark. The only odd part was the fact that you still felt like the undead itself with how lacking in energy you were. You carried on with your plan for the day anyway.

Once you arrived, you met up with William, who seemed surprised to see you- not that you blamed him. It was a rare occurrence you'd wake up early just to show up at school. "Hey, Y/n. Where were you and Mark yesterday?" You let out a tired sigh, shrugging. "He'll tell it to ya, but it was a long day, to say the least." He grimaced. "Oof. Does it have anything to do with those aliens who attacked? Or.. his dad?" Again, you shrugged.

Mark came around a few minutes later, to whom you greeted with a fatigued smile. William went over to him, you ambling on next to him as he approached. Mark was incredibly out of it, and you watched as he stared at the ground, not caring as he rammed into other students. "Hey, Mark. Mark." No response- he seemed to be deep in thought with his creased brows, and William eyes flickered back at you for a moment, quirking a brow curiously, but also worriedly. "Mark!" You yelled, only for him to slow to a stop in front of the two of you without reply. Williams' eyes widened for a moment as he took in his friend's state. "Whoa.." He furrowed his brows. "Are you okay?" Mark continued to stare at the ground, uneasy. "My dad, um... he got attacked." Williams' eyes widened. "What? You're kidding." He turned back to you, glancing between you and Mark, and you gave him a solemn look. "Oh, god, you're not kidding." His expression showed his worry as he leaned further into the small circle the three of you had made at the side of the hall. "Is-Is he okay? What happened?" Mark's shoulder's sagged further. "He's in the hospital. They're doing, uh... They're doing their best, but it's..." You put a hand on your friend's shoulder, finishing his sentence. "It's messed up, William. He's really hurt."

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