Chapter 19

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In front of you stood Wil, a lich. And at her sides were your parents. How you hated them- but now you found someone to hate more. Wil.

Rage wasn't the first thing to overcome you, though. Fear had its grips in you before fury could even begin to burn. Your mind was reeling as you took a step back, stumbling and nearly tripping. Only panicked and rasped breaths escaped you- you didn't know what to say. You had no "how"s or "why"s or "what"s. Just panic.

Two hands set themselves on your shoulders. Bane leaned into you, nearing your ear. "It isn't them." He whispered into your mind. He stood taller, a hand still on your shoulder as he used the other to shield Kayde. "Wiloche, your majesty, I apologize. But I don't believe you know the full extent of what you're doing." Her grin spread wider, the two parents taking a step closer, looking closer and closer to being undead with every second. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing." Bane sighed, keeping his eyes on her, whilst your own locked on the corpses of your parents, which were slowly ambling your way with maddend expressions. "Wil, for your own sake, I recommend you stand down." She crossed her arms, chin to the sky in a mocking and prideful manner. "And why is that? Hm? Is the Dead King going to come out to protect his little baby from a few undead?" Bane sighed, gripping your shoulder a hint tighter. "I'm sorry, Wil." He released your shoulder.

"You know what to do."

And suddenly, you did.

With blackened eyes, you shot towards the lich, her eyes widening and terrified of your unexpected speed. You clutched her throat, dark claws digging into her undead skin, the warmer tones turning monotone and necrotic. She clawed and choked, trying to get you off of her to no avail. Her eyes bulged as you squeezed tighter, and slammed her into the ground, veins popping from her neck. With a loud string of coughs, blood broke from her throat and even splattered your cheek. It felt warm as it dripped from your skin. You looked down on her now, blankly with apathy. The demons that were your parents she had summoned were now gone, dispersed into dust. She now looked like her true self- unalive and a zombie, a creature of death and death in itself. The scent of her was acrid and rotten- your nose scrunched impulsively. You snapped her neck, swiping with both hands. Doing so wouldn't kill her, as she was already dead, but it would incapacitate her.

You turned back to see Bane standing there, hands folded behind his back and appearing proud. Kayde, on the other hand, looked absolutely horrified, and paler than you had ever seen him. In that instant, your eyes returned to their ordinary color as you stepped toward him, albeit carefully. "Shit- Kayde, I'm sorry you had to see that-" He shook his head madly. "No- I've seen worse- but what the fuck! How were you able to do that!?" You glanced between him and Bane, as though looking to Bane for help. You shrugged, giving Kayde a smile. "Death-magic stuff..?" Kayde frowned, letting out a huff. He shook his head, unable to keep the smile from gracing his lips. "Oh- why do I care. That was fucking awesome, kid. Good on ya." He patted your shoulder, making his way around. "Now, how about we get out of here?"


You and Kayde rode from the building on Bane's back in the form of a griffin, although begrudgingly. Kayde made sure to argue as hard as he could to keep off of Bane, but it was to no avail, since the only way to get where you needed to go would be through Bane.

As you flew overhead, you saw the city span out in a ring, and as you passed over the ring, there was a gilded gate that separated the two sections. The other side held a space of grandeur, a place of royalty and palaces. But in the very center was a string of deathly green and blue and white mist, flowing from the great beyond that was the sky and into a single palace in the center. The palace at the center was even grander and more gold than the rest, built up with bone whites and areas accents of inky blacks that made it look as though it were something taken directly from an illustration.

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