Chapter 4

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"Jeez, man. You still sore from Todd's thrashing?"

Another day at school- or, visiting your friends at school. It wasn't like you had to be there. But Mark was still upset, and was, at the momwnt, sulking at his locker. This, of course, brought questions to William's mind, and he had voiced them. You didn't say anything in the meantime, knowing the truth and not wanting to bother with the conversation. "What's up? Huh?" Mark finally tore himself from his thoughts, glancing between you and William, discovering Will was the one to speak. "No, I'm fine." William, clearly not believing his friend, rolled his eyes. "Okay, man. You sure look fine..." He muttered the last part, sarcasm filling his tone.

"Hey, Mark Grayson..." And of course, Todd would have to come along and make matters worse. Mark groaned as the jock approached. "...And I don't see Amber here to protect your sorry ass." Todd continued, and while Will backed away somewhat with unease, you blocked Mark from him. You held up a hand to stop him, glaring as you spoke. "Todd, I swear to god- don't do this." Your tone was more pleading than daring, but Todd only rolled his eyes, and your frown only deepened. "Don't." He grinned menacingly. "Don't? Don't what? Don't kick your ass?" Todd gripped your collar, knocking you into the locker. Scowling, you held back the urge to fight back, not wanting to risk being found out and restricted from entering campus again. "Or were you threatening me?" Todd asked. Mark's mouth twitched further into a frown, and grabbed Todd's forearm. The jock looked down to your friend, confused at first, but then his grin immediately plastered itself back on his face. "Aw, standing up for your friend?" Todd dropped you, leaving you leaned up against the locker. Watching Mark's expression, you grew worried. Shit- did I just make things worse?

Todd tread towards Mark, slowly, still smirking like the cocky shit he was. "Do you need a replay of what happened last time, ass?" Todd balled his fists, knuckles cracking, only to get no reaction out of him. Mark only glared. "Hit me." Todd was clearly taken aback by his bold words- as was everyone else in the hall. "Go on." He continued. "Hit me as hard as you can." Todd glowered, reeling back and giving Mark a hard punch in the chest. It was exactly where Mark's father had hit him- but with much less force. Mark barely reacted to the hit, only letting out a small grunt. "Again." Todd grew angrier as he hit the boy again, and harder. Gasps were heard from around the hall. Mark only glared with more intensity. "Again. Harder." Todd tried again, and more concerned gasps made their way throughout the hall. The jock looked left and right, seeing the students surrounding him, suddenly becoming self-conscious. He curled in on himself, panicking. "Freak!" He then yelled, finally running off.

William watched as Todd left, approaching you and Mark. You and Will watched your friend with concern. "Dude, what is up with you?" Will asked. Mark's expression only hardened. "I just need something to punch." William, baffled, gestured in the direction Todd had run out. "He just walked away, Mark! You missed your chance!" You pursed your lips, setting a hand on William's shoulder. 'Problem at home' you mouthed, and his eyes widened, but he then sighed, nodding. "Sorry, man." Mark shook his head. "I'll have my chance." You leaned towards Mark. "Yeah, but don't get yourself in trouble, man." He made no reply.


School was over, and on your way out, you couldn't find Mark, which frustrated you greatly. So, you ended up going out with William to get something to eat and talk, and the topic of conversation mainly revolved around Mark.

"So, you mentioned something about a 'problem at home?' Anything about that you can actually tell me?" William asked, sipping some of his soda. You shrugged. "I mean, his dad's been pretty shitty to him lately. Some stuff happened that had to do with work." William made an "o" shape with his mouth, nodding slowly. Tossing a fry in your mouth, you continued. "Ever since Mark has hit this "marker," or whatever it was that made it so that he could start to work with his dad, he's been a lot harder on him. And..." Swallowing, you debated on whether or not to tell William that Nolan had punched Mark. You opened your mouth to say it, but shook your head, knowing how it would go in normal people's terms, which would be bad. So, you shut your mouth, shaking your head. William's eyes widened, noticing your reluctance to talk about it. "That bad?" You nodded. William leaned in, whispering. "You know, if you need to get in contact with some people, I can-" You quickly shook your head. "No- dude, I got this. If it gets worse, or doesn't improve, I'll make calls." He leaned back. "Alright- I guess you are the professional with that stuff." He took a bite of his burger as you rolled your eyes, eating your fries.

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