"He doesn't care what you guys do."

"We know, but the thought of us ticking him off is enough to ward us away from doing anything."

"And why would you care? Why should I care?"

"Because I kind of like the peace that comes with Y/n's proximity."

"Good for you."

"I'm also worried that you angered him."

"I did not."

"Are you sure? What if he unleashes his wrath here?"

"You're just paranoid. He's not mad."

"Then what happened?"

"None of your business. Why are you so persistent?"

"Because I'm worried."

"You're acting way different, what caused this change of character? Or are you putting up another façade?"

"Y/n scared the shit out of me one time and put so much shock through my system that I changed as a person. I'm done antagonizing people."

Minju turned her attention to her backpack, "That's good for you."

"Are you sure you didn't do anything?"

Minju took a deep breath, her patience clearly waning.

"I'm sure."

"And we won't have to worry about him attacking us or anything?"



Minju rolled her eyes as Sung walked back to his seat.

I will never understand that guy.

Eventually, the bell rang, worrying Minju once more.

He's actually skipping today. Should I text him? Should I try contacting him during lunch? What if something happened to him?

Minju's thoughts persisted throughout the lesson, distracting her as she tried to take notes. After suffering through the first two periods, Minju packed her belongings.

Should I text him? Would calling him be a better idea?

Minju walked to Y/n's shack, sighing as she sat down.

"It doesn't feel the same without you Y/n. I hope you're at least taking care of yourself."

As she munched on her sandwich, a random thought clicked in Minju's head.

Wait- if Y/n was the person who saved me that one day, does that mean he regularly goes out at night? What if something happened to him?!

Minju pulled out her phone, dialing Y/n's number.

Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up...

Sharp pains struck Minju's torso like pins, shortening her breaths.

Calm down Kim Minju. Y/n is fine. Nothing would ever happen to him... Right?

Minju closed her eyes, breathing in deeply as she tried to calm herself down.

Nothing would ever happen to him. He wouldn't let anything happen to himself.

Despite her best attempts, Minju's uneasiness wouldn't seem to disappear.

I should stop by his house after school.

Minju spent the rest of her lunch period trying to calm herself down. Her experience in class didn't change. Even though she was able to get all of her notes down, it wasn't without struggle. After a few more grueling hours, the final bell rang, pulling Minju back into her body. Glad that the day was finally over, Minju packed her belongings, throwing her backpack onto her back. With great speed, Minju rushed off of the school grounds and toward Y/n's house.

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now