Chapter 10

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Trigger warning.


Everyone became silent at the sight of Midoriya who's having rage and livid in front of All might.

"W-what? Deku, you visit your mom a few days ago, right?" Bakugo whispered to Midoriya, but Midoriya didn't hear him, he was not thinking right now.

"Problem child, calm down," Aizawa said with the problem child.

"Shut up! I AM DONE!" Midoriya shouts to everyone, everyone gulp and their eyes was wide.

"Don't. You. Dare. Young Midoriya." All might warned the boy, smokes fleetingly in All might body.

"Dare of what? TELLING THEM THAT YOU DRIVE MY MOM INTO HER DEATH!?" Midoriya steps closer to the Former hero.

"You guys want to know the truth, right!? You keep bugging me to where's my soulmate or what is their name! Asking me a question that ended me up coughing in blood! So what the fuck did I care when they touched me and I ended up dying?" He shouts to everyone, no one move, no one talk because of the livid rage in Midoriya's face.

He covers his face using his hands. "Fuck, I'm a dirty person now, how can I love them? How can I introduce myself to them?" He asked them.

"W-what are you talking about, Midoriya?" Kirishima asked the boy who still covering his face.

Aizawa and All might is watching Midoriya, All might have no smile.

"I WAS RAPED!" He shouts to them, making everyone tremble and tense, Aizawa eyes widened, he froze.

"Oi, nerd. Stop joking, this is not funny." Bakugo says, Midoriya snapped his eyes to Bakugo.

"Do I look joking to you?" He asked him, he runs his hands through his body.

"Tell me? How can I tell them that I am their soulmate when I am a dirty person!? Fuck you all!" He shouts, cursing.

"Then you know who the fuck RAPED me!?" He asked everyone and laugh hysterically.

He was laughing like a psychopath.

He smirked to all might and point his finger in All might, Everyone's eyes were wide and Aizawa snapped and angrily looks at the number one hero.

"He was the one who RAPED me! He was the one who dirties my body!" He shouts again, They body tremble and step back away from all might.

Bakugo eyes were wide and he's trying not to fall back on the floor because of the news, how? Is this the secret he keeps protecting?

Tears flowing both of his eyes. No- it was not tears, it was blood that flowing to his eyes, did he cry too much that he cry blood?

"Problem child..." Aizawa said and leaned closer to the freckled boy.

"He asked me to train harder but you know what funny is? Eri rewind him so that he can use his muscle form and use it against me! I scream Mr. Aizawa! I scream for help when he RAPED me! I scream thinking that one of you will try to help me! But no one came! No one came to save me from this person who tells the world that HE SAVE PEOPLES!" He scream at the top of his lungs and fell to the floor. He was crying so much blood.

"Is this true, ALL MIGHT?" Aizawa was now full of rage, Shoto was trying to calm Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari not trying to step into the scene. They feel shit after hearing this, after hearing his suffering.

"He's lying, Aizawa." All might insist but Izuku laughs again.

"After RAPING me, he goes to my mom's house and rapes her as well!" He shouts again while crying blood. He was shivering, his body is weak now.

Everyone stood weak and fell to the floor not knowing what to do in the news they hear. They don't know if they will help Midoriya but are afraid to step closer to the former hero.

Aizawa lays his scarf into All might's body, Pushing a button in his watch, warning all the pros in the school.

"Of course I rest in my dorm, trying to figure out how to get out the feelings and touched he did to me! I asked you that I will take a rest and go to my house! Do you know what I saw there?" He asked them again, he was a mess now, he's clothes were full of blood while he was laughing.

"I saw my mom hanging in the ceiling, dead!" He shouts and stood up.

Every pro in the school was here, watching the mess with shock on their faces.

Bakugo runs forward to the boy and hugs him.

"Oh, God, Deku!" He shouts while hugging him. Izuku suffers a lot, that's why he stepped back to them, that's why Izuku ignored them.

"Heroes? That's fucking bullshit! You didn't save everyone, All might! YOU ARE NOT A HERO BUT A VILLAIN!" He declared making All might eyes widened.

"You kill my mom, rape her, and also raped me so that's what makes you a villain!" He shouts to him again.

"No one knew the incident because the government cover it up for him! They don't want to put a dirty in the number one hero! They shoved my dead mother in the graveyard and not taking any justice for her! No one knows what happens to me and my mom because they cover it up!" He was screaming blood while Bakugo is trying to calm him.

Aizawa is full rage and kicks all might, knocking him out. Every pro watches Izuku scream, thrashing, and blood splattering on the floor. Aizawa puts a cuff in all might and tells the other pro to arrest him.

"Deku! Calm down!" Bakugo shouts but Izuku keep screaming.

Everyone starting to lean closer to the suffering boy, trying to hug him but Izuku shoved everyone away from him using his power.

"Midoriya, Calm down! Please!" Kaminari shouts, he was also crying because of what happens.

Aizawa erases Midoriya's quirk, making him stumble on the floor but he starts coughing blood and he puts his hand in his chest, clenching his clothes.

"I-i... C-can't... B-breath..." He whispered while coughing in blood. Everyone's eyes snapped wide.

God, I'm sorry for this chapter😭

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