Chapter 7

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When Izuku got back to the dorms, he receives so many questions but Izuku keeps quiet and went to the kitchen to drink water, Aizawa told him to eat because he doesn't have the stamina anymore but he avoided it again by drinking water.

When he got in the kitchen he saw Bakugo- kacchan, cooking cold soba for his soulmates and kept thrashing about how busy he was.

His crimson red eyes landed on green eyes, but Izuku shoved it and drink water, keeping quiet.

"You told us that your wrist is blank." Bakugo statedly with a calm tone. "You have a soulmate do you?"

Shoto became silent, not wanting to fight with his soulmate.

Izuku doesn't have a smile anymore, he was cold, not only physically but also mentally.

"It doesn't concern you," Izuku said blatantly, he was tired, he was really tired to act as a bright person when he's not that bright, he lost his brightness when those things happen and he admits that he lost everything, even his self.

Bakugo was dumb shocked and quickly smashed the chopsticks, leaning closer to the freckled boy.

Everyone is watching them, confuse at Izuku actions.

"What did you just say?" Bakugo grabs the Izuku collar, but Izuku did not react at all, he was looking deadpanned to the blonde boy.

"It doesn't concern you whether I have a soul mate or not, just do whatever you want for yourself and stop grabbing me to your world!" Izuku shout and push Bakugo, tears starting to form in Izuku eyes because he was tired and Bakugo was making it worse.

"Are you shitting me right now, Damn nerd!?" Bakugo shout making Shoto stand up, "You lie to us! What are you? Waiting for your death just because they fucking touch you!?"

Izuku didn't even react to his words as he used to them.

"C'mon, Deku! You have a high IQ and you know that it will kill you if your soulmate touch you but what are you doing? You're avoiding your soulmate and let yourself feel that fucking agonizing pain! Are you fucking dumb!?" Bakugo shouts angrily. He doesn't want Izuku to die.

"That's what I want at all, Kacchan."

"You want what?"

"To die."

Bakugo was shocked at what his childhood friend said, everyone, gasped but another classmate was in their dorm probably with their soulmates so they can't hear what Bakugo and Izuku fighting was.

"Y-you want to die?" Bakugo asked him and leans closer to the green-freckled boy.

Izuku clasped his mouth, not wanting to tell them that.

"I-i don't want you to die..." Bakugo whispered and grab Izuku to hug, making everyone shock, even Izuku is shocked, this is the first time Bakugo hug him, it doesn't feel any good to him, everything was empty for Izuku.

"Get off, please...."

Bakugo immediately let go of the hug, realizing what he had said and the thing he did.

He holds Izuku hand, "What is happening to you? What is wrong with you? Tell me how can I fucking help you, tell me what you need. You are not alone, Izuku. You don't need to be in your dark and just let yourself with that misery, you have us, right? We can help you, Deku..." Izuku jaw dropped but he quickly grabs his hands back from the hold, he still doesn't feel anything with Bakugo words.

He wants to feel the same warmth in his body, not the cold surface around him. He wants to smile genuinely but he fakes it, he wants to laugh but end up crying, he wants to be happy but he fell into his misery. Tell me, how he can get back to how he was before when the puzzle pieces he built are destroyed and losing the pieces, that can't back to how it was before.

"You can't help me... No one was can to help me or save me from this. It's not like that before, kacchan." He spoke coldly making Bakugo mad again.

"We really can't help you if you can't tell us what is happening! We are blind by your secrets! How can we help you when you're not asking for a damn help!?" Bakugo growled sarcastically

Izuku scoffed. "I was asking for help but where you are? Living in your best life when your friend was drowning with his own problems!" Izuku shouts leaving everyone shock.

But he quickly stopped when he felt the heat in his body, weakened him. He fell to the floor when the pain hits him hard. He was shaking, coughing, and screaming for the agonizing pain.

Bakugo and others watch Izuku scream with his pain, not knowing what to do.

Ah, they are cuddling and doing lovey-dovey things? Fuck, why can't they just sit around and wait for my damn death?

Izuku thought to himself while screaming for the pain in his body.  He was starting to cough blood again.

"Fuck! Deku!" Bakugo shouts while holding the boy who's shouting and thrashing.

"Shoto! Call Momo! She can help Izuku!" Bakugo shout making the dual-haired boy ran.

The pain getting worse for Deku. He knows that when his soulmates were doing intimate or doing cuddle, the pain for the other soulmate is getting worse. He was coughing, blood again.

They are kissing, huh? That must be felt good to them.

Izuku suddenly stops screaming when he remembers the reason he's doing this so he stops, staring at the blank space making everyone frown. He felt empty again no matter his body shouting from the pain.

Bakugo eyes were wide and Momo was there watching Izuku awe.

Izuku stood up even he had bloody clothes, he drinks water from the glass he was holding earlier and left the kitchen.

He was walking like a robot, not feeling anything anymore.

C'mon you asshole damn, come home, and I'll shove your ass in the police station or maybe I can kill you before I die.

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