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Once in the kitchen, I plugged in my earphones and set to work, preparing for the next day. There was the earnings from today to be counted and put in the safe, and making sure I had all the ingredients to start baking tomorrow morning.
After counting the money, and I shall not say how much, I started to write a list of what I wanted to bake tomorrow:
● Blueberry muffins
● Chocolate mud cake
● Hot cross buns
● Scones
● Pies
● Sausage rolls
● Gingerbread men
● Donuts

I tapped my pen on my notebook, thinking. I sat there for a few minutes doing that before Romanoff walked in and placed her hands on her hips. I pulled an earphone out and said, "Yes?" She stared at me before grapping my pen and throwing it against the wall, causing it to shatter. I shrieked and leaned over my pen. "That was birthday present. From my great aunt Clarissa. Who died." Her face was emotionless and I felt the tears start to well up. Which was weird, considering that when she died I never actually made it to her funeral; my plane was delayed.
Steve walked in and saw the mess on the wall and my face. He pushed Romanoff out and crouched down next to me on the floor. "I apologize for miss Romanoff. Little things like that upset her, and she is a very passionate woman. So those things add up and well, they go like fire ma'am."
I laughed through my tears and glanced at the mess on my wall. "My landlord's is going to kill me." I whispered. He shook his head. "I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind fixing it. We are used to cleaning up after Natasha." I looked at him. "Natasha?"
He nodded, "That's Romanoff's first name. " I blinked a few times, trying to get my head around the whole situation.
I stared at Steve out of the corner of my eye. These people are really weird. I thought to myself.
"Thanks, by the way." I said, getting up and brushing off imaginary dirt. Steve nodded and stood there awkwardly before I heard Stark's voice call, "Are you finished in there Capsicule?"
Steve nodded at me and walked out, leaving me all alone to clean up the mess in my little back room. I turned to look at the wall, wondering how to get the ink stain off the wall.
I almost shrieked when I remembered that mom had always been getting stains off these walls. Surely she must have written how to do it down somewhere. I started searching through my boxes of stuff and the shelves. I found nothing.
But then I remembered I had seen it. Someone had found it on the floor and handed it to my while I was at the counter. I sighed.
When the place was booked I was specifically asked not to enter into the actual diner. Maybe, I thought, if they didn't know I was there it would be fine. I laughed quietly to myself about my mind's crazy reasoning. I knew it wasn't right but my landlord was coming in two days to check the place out.
So I crawled up to the counter and started searching quietly. I rummaged through the shelves below the counter and finally found it. I almost cried out when I found it, but stopped myself when my mind finally registered the group's voices.
I smiled to myself and held the old paper to my chest.
"Stark, I'm asking you to take care of where everyone is in the tower." I heard a deep, intimidating voice say. He groaned and said, "I do not want Little Miss Firecracker and Big Guy both in my tower. It'll be destroyed in a few days."
Suddenly I heard a slapping noise. Then the intimidating voice spoke again. "Agent Romanoff calm yourself. We have business to settle."
One word stuck in my head. Agent. I quietly crawled back to the kitchen and shook my head. An agent? But no, they don't exist. Only in movies do they actually exist.
Stark tower. My mind said, finally making the connection. I almost slapped my face, but stopped myself when I realized the next room was quiet.
I stood up and bolted upstairs into my bedroom. I quietly shut the door and leaned against it. If she really was an agent that means she would kill me if I found out, and I just did.
I gazed out my window, trying to calm down. A bright light caught my eye as I scanned New York. I walked over to my balcony and opened the door.
There it was. Stark tower. Wow, it was massive and beautiful. I sighed, taking in the view.
"Like it?" I heard a voice say behind me. I recognized Tony's arrogant tone and I turned slightly. "It's great." He walked up and stood parallel to me. "Maybe I'll take you there some day kid." I tensed up as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Stark." Steve said as he walked up behind us. Tony took his hand off my shoulder and walked away leaving Rogers and I alone on my balcony. For some reason I felt like I could trust Rogers and all of a sudden I pulled him inside and shut both doors. He looked at me weirdly. "It's okay," I said. Then I started to ask questions.
"Steve, I overheard, accidentally, that Natasha is an agent. Like wow, is she actually?" I asked, my breath flowing out dramatically with each word. His eyes widened and I instantly knew it was true.
"You can't tell anyone." He said, grabbing my writs for emphasis. I could almost hear the bone crack. "Ow, Rogers. Okay. I promise." He let go and breathed a sigh of relief.
"And no one can know that I know." I said.

[1] Just A Normal Girl | Avallone the AvengerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang