Affectionate! Clingy! Mole x Female! Reader

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(I was outside while writing this so I was reaaally motivated!! 😁)

                        (Y/n's POV)

I was walking on the sidewalk, the sounds of the busy road of cars and motorcycles. It was a bit noisy, I'd say, but It didn't really bother me, because I was by the side of Mole! The sky was such a beautiful color with some clouds, the sun setting slowly and peacefully. The Mole is holding my hand/paw with a gentle grip, I giggled at his cuteness! We decided to go for a walk, the day was too good to miss! (I actually saw all that scenery on the walk I took and put it into the story!) I must admit though...Mole have been acting a bit clingy lately. Whenever he would hear me talking to someone else, he would immediately try to navigate his way to me, but get hurt in the process to the point I have to help him, he would even drop his cane on the ground and cross his arms with a full attitude. To me, I'd call it jealously, but I want to confirm this for sure. I stated to Mole that I wanted to go to the Park, it had a huge field and a small amount of people was there, it was going to be just Me and Mole.

Once we arrived, I had set a blanket down for both of us to sit on. Now, Mole is just my best friend, but he feels more like...a lover. As I sat next to him, I just stared at the scenery, but then, at him. He was so Adorable, and people around the town would sometimes make in fun of him for being Blind. They would say things like "Oh, Mole! I dropped my phone, can you help me pick it u-Ooooh Riiiight, your blind. Hahahaha!!" Or "Mole, if someone was to rob you, what would you do? Simply nothing...Too blind to stop them." and "Moles are suppose to have terrible eye vision, not be completely blind." I can't stand when they say stuff like that! Nobody should ever be teased for something they could hardly control! When someone is born or gets a case of something, picking on them for it can just make things worse, it could happen to anyone!! That's just how life is, and we kinda have to accept a bit of it, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy. (Sorry, I got in a little too deep on that, I just, feel for everyone. I'm actually a really caring person ^w^) I felt so bad for Mole, I didn't even realize I was crying, but I don't think he heard me, for it is known that he has a little bit of hearing problems. Tears strolled down my face as I looked at Mole sadly, I scooted closer to him and hugged him. He was tooken aback from the sudden action, but soon returning the hug, soon to realize I was crying. He began to panic about it, looking around for ways to make me feel better, he pulled a tissue out of nowhere and handed it to me, Should I even trust it? I took it anyway and wiped my tears, sniffling a bit "T-Thanks, Mole!" I said sweetly, he blushed a bit. We sat there for a few moments, but I broke the silence "You know Mole, I kinda...uhm...Like you...a lot..I want to be a little more than just friends. Could we call this...A Da-" "Y/n!!! Y/n!!! I got to show you this!! It's my latest invention!!!" I was cut off from a familiar voice, of course...Sniffles is one of my best friends, he came towards me, I stood up to talk to him as he talked about his invention. As we were talking....


We heard a loud thump from behind us. We jumped a little in fear, we turned around to find the source of the sound, only to find The Mole on the ground, struggling to get up "MOLE!!" I screamed, running by his side to help him up "Sorry Sniffles, you may have to tell me about the Invention later." I claimed, he scoffed and crossed his arms "The guy is faking it. This happens waaaay to often..." I heard him mumble and walk off, I turned my head to Mole "Okay, what's going on? Your acting soo jealous!" I said, he then grabbed be in his arms and held me close, keeping others from talking to me, He also have been following me a lot. I began to blush intensely to the fact that I was being held close, to Mole, I got out from his grip and placed a kiss on his cheek "Awww! I can't stay mad at you! I love you Mole." I claimed, he looked at me with shock, but began to blush too "As I was trying to say earlier, could we call this...A Date?" I asked, he immediately nodded, I began to laugh. I looked at the sky and saw it was getting dark, it was a darker shade of sky blue with the clouds a small shade of pink, the sun being nearly nowhere to be seen as the moon was coming into sight "Hey Mole, its getting dark, we should probably get to our homes." I said, he nodded, standing up and struggling to find his cane. I gave it to him, and he nodded kindly as a thanks. We both stood up and made our way to the sidewalk.

We were now walking on the sidewalk, me having to help Mole find his way, I leaned closer to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, him doing the same "Mole..." I called out quietly, he turned his head to me "Thank you...for everything. For being there for me all throughout the time we've been best friends. Though you may be Clingy, your still very very, VERY Affectionate. I really love you." I said, he clapped his paws with happiness, I giggled. Soon we walked up to a corner to cross a big road. I pressed the Button so we could walk across. Once it changed to the walking signal, Me and Mole began to walk across the road.

We walked....

Bright Lights Flashed...

A car screeched...

Screams were heard...

Everything was blurry....

A/n: Story To be Continued in the Mole x Reader Story...Coming soon...

Thank you all so much for reading this story!! It makes me super duper happy!! ^w^ I was filled with so much energy today!! I love you all!! 💞💖

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