Lifty & Shifty x Female!Reader

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(Requested by smeargle853 😊)

                         (Y/n's POV)

I was in the bank, waiting for my father to finish talking to his friend that worked there. I was a very kind and patient person, I didn't have a too huge of an alter ego, but I'd do anything to express myself to people when I really want to show that I can beat the shyness deep inside of me. I sometimes feel unnoticed, but I'll try to beat that feeling as well!

Once my Dad finished, he came my direction, until the window suddenly crashed, causing everyone to look at the window "EVERYONE TO THE FLOOR!!" A green raccoon with a hat commanded, everyone listened, but all my Dad and his friend did was run out of the bank. Did they really just leave Me!!? I tried to follow, but a green raccoon, but without a hat, pinned me to the floor, putting my hands/paws to the floor, at least a foot away from my face, he sat on my back making sure I couldn't move "Wait! Please, My Father left! I have to go with him!!" I pleaded "Awwww, the Grown woman wants to follow her Daddy everywhere.~"he teased, I'm a young adult thank you very much "Shifty! Get the Money, I have to pin this cutie down." He said, I blushed as red as a tomato from the nickname. So the one with the Hat is it. Shifty ran to the back and began to stuff loads of money in the huge bag he had "Let Me Go!!" I said, trying to budge out from his grip, but he was too strong "No!! Why would you even want to go with him?! He just left you and he's not coming back....he doesn't care about you." He said, tears began to stream down my face, I didn't want him to notice, but he did, and I was crying silently "...Don't cry. I don't like it." He said guilty. I didn't stop, he sat there silently for a minute, but soon spoke "I mean I don't like it when your sad, your to cute to cry...look, I'll comfort you, as long as you promise me you won't run away..." He said, I didn't need his comfort, but I wanted it "I p-promise..." I stuttered out, he got off of me and helped me up where I was sitting on my knees, he pulled me into a hug. Why did my dad leave? I needed him and he chose to save his friend but not me...what did I ever do, I just...I was such a good girl all my life! Why!!? I...Love the comfort I'm getting, I guess I did Need it after all. "Names Lifty by the way." He said "Y/n." I replied, Shifty came back with huge bags of Money, but soon looked at me and Lifty in Awe, We soon heard distant sirens from far roads, the cops "GOOOOOOOOLLY THE COPS!!! WE GOTTA GO!!" Shifty said, handing Lifty the bags of money and scooping me in his arms "Let's go!!" He said, wait...they're taking me with them!?

We soon got into a van, leaving Shifty to drive, handing me to Lifty in the passenger seat. As Shifty drove, we dodged lots of cars and trucks, then made it to their place "Your Ours now.~" Lifty said "But You guys are complete strangers to me! Even if I do know your names!!" I stated "Well, let's spend months with each other and try to get to know you better! We'll be like foster parents or big brothers to you!" Shifty claimed, I then thought about it, then soon nodded in agreement, they cheered, Lifty gave me a kiss on my forehead, we soon got out of the van and into their place. "Yoooo Shifty!! What if I become a Boyfriend to Y/n?" Lifty asked "Uuuuuh, Nah. I would make a better Boyfriend than you!" Shifty replied "That's not true!" "Yes it is!" "NO IT'S NOT!!" Lifty suddenly screamed, Shifty laughed "Bro, why are you screaming?" "BECAUSE IM MAD!!" "At Me?" "YES!!" "WELL IM MAD AT YOU TOO CUZ Y/N IS MINE!!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" They went back and forth, and soon started fighting each other forcefully, attempting to scratch and push each other. I tried to stop them, but Shifty fell on top of me, crushing me underneath him. They soon stopped, then looked at me to see if I was okay...I sat up, dizzy, but my nose had begun to bleed "OhnoOhnoOhnoOhFREAKING NO!!!" Lifty panicked, tears flooded my eyes, not just because I wanted to cry, but because of the pain, it hurts so much "I'm so so sorry!! Its Lifty's fault he pushed me, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!" He said, Lifty brought me tissues to wipe the blood away, and Shifty cradled me in his arms "Stop, I'm not a baby!" I wined "You are to me....~" Shifty replied, I gave in and just accepted it...I felt loved, happy, cared for! I began to get tired and drift off to sleep...Hearing a distant "I love you." From the two Raccoon brothers....

Time Skip~

I soon woke up to Lifty and Shifty chatting in a dark room, I was still in Shifty's arms. I pretended to sleep just to eavesdrop "Sooooo, I think we're wanted...not sure if the chick is too, but what are we gonna do if the cops actually manage to catch us? What's gonna happen to the girl?!" Lifty asked, looking at me "She's tiny so she can hide in small places. Besides, Did you forget who we are? We're Lifty and Shifty! We can easily get away from the police." Shifty spoke, I slowly opened my eyes, leaving the two brothers to drift their eyes on me "Well, she's awake...let's show her!" One of them said, I was in utter confusion. Shifty sat me up on their couch and ran off, so their probably wanted and they don't know what to do, I'm worried for them, I just hope they don't get hurt. Though we just met, I feel like I already have a connection with them.

I just sat there, waiting for the raccoon twins, wondering if they were okay. They soon returned and grinned, they pulled out a batch of Cupcakes from behind their backs "Surprise!!! We made Cupcakes for you!!!" They cheered in unison, I gasped and smiled, clapping my hands/paws with excitement "Oh my gosh! Oh.My.Gosh! I love them!! Thank you so much!" I cheered, They tried to bring them to me, but Lifty and Shifty tripped off of each other somehow, leaving the cupcakes to fly out of their grip and onto me. They looked at each other, fought a little bit, then looked back at me, I was licking the frosting off of me. They both stood up and giggled, hugging me, and licking some of the frosting as well. "Mmmmm, Sweet~" Lifty secretly flirted with me, causing me to blush "And Tasty too~" Shifty flirted as well, I covered my face in embarrassment. I'm beginning to get very used to them, though I was worried about the fact that they rob day and night, they still had their ways of making me super happy...

'Two Robbers, but Three Big Hearts"

A/n: <3 I hope you guys enjoyed this story!!! Thank you for reading this Chapter!!

Update: 12/18/21
Hey Guys!! I hope you like how I added a bit more to this chapter! Sure it may be a little useless, but it's spending more time with the Two Raccoons Brothers!! It was really short at first, but I had to make it a bit longer somehow. Not genuinely proud of this, but this was my first Chapter of this Whole Oneshot Book =>= At least I get better and better the more chapters I make. Anyway, Thank you so much again for reading!

Love You All! 💞

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