Flippy/Fliqpy x Tyler (BlacksmallFedora's Oc)

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(Requested by BlacksmallFedora 🤩✨ Best Friend!!)
(The Picture above is a Paper Cutout I made Myself 😊💖)

(Requested by BlacksmallFedora 🤩✨ Best Friend!!)(The Picture above is a Paper Cutout I made Myself 😊💖)

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Awwww Yeah! 😎✨ I got you covered BFF!!

                  (Y/n's POV/Tyler)

I was petting my Bird named Mango who chirped in delight, I giggled "Hey Mango? Wanna go for a walk?!" I asked excitingly, Mango chirped excitingly, I grabbed my Backpack with random art supplies in it and on the walk we went.

As I was walking, I saw Russell on his ship and ran his direction (I hope you don't mind me making you and Russell Friends 🥺) "Hi Russell!" I greeted, he jumped a bit from the sudden voice he heard, but immediately recognized me, he turned around "Yar! Why hello Tyler! Oh, and Mango too!!" He greeted, Mango did a lil dancy dance in happiness "Do ya wanna hang out?" I asked, he nodded and jumped off his ship, making sure it was stable, he came by my side and we began to walk "Russell?" I asked, he turned to me, he hummed in response "Do you want a Cup Cake?" I offered "Sure!" He responded, I soon handed him...😂...a Cup, he looked inside and found a piece of cake with a note that said 'Take the Cup-Cake ( :' "..." he looked at me, and I looked at him, and we both began laughing "Aww! Aww Jeez Tyler, you got me good! Hehehehe!!" Russell claimed "Hehehehe!!!" I giggled, but soon pulled myself together "That's not what I was meant to tell you, but I just always wanted to do that." I said "Oh? What do you want to tell me?" He asked "Okay, since your a close friend, I wanted to tell you this...I have a Crush on Flippy and I don't know if he has feelings back!!" I claimed super fast, he understood somehow, and gave me a smirk "Oooooooh hehehehehe!!! Looks like somebody is in ✨Looove✨" he teased, I nudged his arm, he laughed "How do I win his heart? Aaah!! He's right there!!" I asked but soon began to blush when I saw Flippy walking out direction, I hid me, Russell, and Mango in a bush behind a bench, which Flippy so happened to sit on the bench, I began to breathe fast and my heart raced for the Lime colored bear. His voice, his scent, his smile, everything about him just made me feel....Special. I had a crush on him for a long while, but never told him, though he may have noticed that, I don't quite know. I wanted to approach him, but we all jumped fearfully to the sound of a loud car screech from the wheels. We heard Flippy whimper, then soon Had Yellow menacing eyes, sharp Teeth, heavy Breathing, and soon pulled out a random Bowie Knife from his pocket. He began to run off and destroy the Town, we needed to stop him! Russell looked at me confidently, while I was confused "Tyler! Quick, Draw a picture of Flippy/Fliqpy as fast as you can!" He said "What! Why!?" I asked "Because..." he started, grabbing both of my paws, my Shiba Inu tail shaking a bit "You...Love Him. You won't know if he has the same feelings for you unless you try. At this moment, he needs you. The town needs you. Me and Mango Needs you. You can save us all if you just believe in yourself! Here's what ya need to do, you need to draw Flippy, and put yourself in the image of you want! Ya know, to impress him and even calm him, then maybe he will see how much you love him and will become...well...unflipped!! And it's all up to you." Russell encouraged, I tear came from my eye, but I soon wiped it "Y-Your right Russell, I may be shy, b-but now is the time to be a hero like Splendid!" I claimed, grabbing a paper, pencil, and something to write on, I began to draw. (I love to draw too ^w^) When I Finished, I shyly giggled when I noticed that Russell was staring at me draw the whole time, his eyes full of sparkles "No way...YOU DID AMAZING!! Now's your time to shine your Beautiful Art, and beautiful face, to Fliqpy!!" He said, we went from behind the bushes and ran after Fliqpy.

Once we caught up to him, he found him, preparing to hurt one of our friends. Me, Russell, and Mango looked at each other, and I nodded, approaching Fliqpy "Hey!! U-Um, Fliqpy!!" I stuttered out, he slowly turned around with a growl of a lion, dropping our friend allowing them to run off "I h-h-have something for you!" I stated fearfully, he began to run at me in full speed, I yelled/scream, scared of what he might do, once he made it to me, He slammed his face into a pie, I laughed along with Russell. He soon licked the Pie from his face, and turned back to his normal Flippy Self, and began laughing with us "Hahahahaha!!! Okay, Okay, I have to admit, this pie taste good!! How did this get on my face though!?" Flippy asked, I explained to him what happened, he looked down in disbelief of himself, but Mango flew on his head and snuggled him, Flippy Giggled. Russell pushed me towards Flippy which caused me to slip, but Flippy caught me, but noticed a paper in my hand/paw, he helped me up "What's that ya got?" He asked, I took a deep breath, and handed it to him, blushing. He took the paper, looked at it, his eyes widened in shock at the drawing I made of him "D-Did you draw this? Your in it too!" He claimed "Y-Yes! I hope you like it!" I said, he began blushing. He quickly handed the paper to Russell and pulled me close to him, kissing me. The kiss was so passionate and loving, I kissed back for a bit, before he quickly pulled away "AAAAH!!! I-I-I'm soo sorry!! I got carried away!! You really got deep into my affection and I just-" "It's okay! I enjoyed it!" I chimed in, cutting him off. He blushed redder than a tomato and giggled a lot, snorting a bit, I giggled at his cuteness. Mango began chirping sweetly, While Russell on the other hand, was making the most weird and ridiculous smile I've ever seen "Hehehehe!!! Okay, Okay, you don't have to say Yes, But Tyler, will you be Mine!!? I mean, for a long while, I've been having these deep feelings for you and I really, really love you!!" Flippy asked, I gasped in shock "Flippy, I've felt the same for such a long time too!! Of Course I'll be yours!!" I confirmed. My Shiba Inu tail began to wag happily as Flippy's ears fluttered. I hugged him in a deep, warm, and cuddly embrace!

With the Happiest Ending Ever..❤️

A/n: 1165 Words!! I had a lot of fun writing this!! That's way more words than any of the other stories I wrote!! I had to do this for my BFF BlacksmallFedora 🤩✨ I hope you loved the story!!! (I love BlacksmallFedora's Oc Sm!! Maybe Our Oc's can become BFFs!!!!) 🥰

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