26 - Jealousy, Jealousy

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Daniel Ricciardo
i couldn't get to sleep
i need a females perspective on something

alright then, shoot

Daniel Ricciardo
can i come over?

you have to be standing in front of me to ask for advice?

Daniel Ricciardo
id rather be, yes
gym tmrw then?

i have time first thing in the a.m., 7 work for you?
im not following whatever routine michael has you on, btw

Daniel Ricciardo
no worries lol
solid, i'll pick you up at 6:30


I hate to admit it, but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by Daniel's gym. New gyms are always intimidating to some extent. Their layouts are unfamiliar, the equipment is different, and not to mention that Daniel forgot to let me know that this gym was primarily used by athletes accompanied by their trainers. As he signed me in as his guest, Daniel swore that people did this all the time. While it wasn't a public gym, attendees would often bring in friends and family. I rolled my eyes but decided I wouldn't let it get to me. There was only one other person in here at this point anyway, I wouldn't take up much space or be in a anyone's way.

"Alexa - you're free to join us for Daniels workout if you'd like," Michael said as we all emerged from the locker rooms.

"Thanks Mike, but I..."

"You don't have to perform anywhere near Daniels caliber, I get you're not training for any races any time soon. Just thought I'd ask since you're here."

I smiled at Michael, ignoring Daniel who had been stifling laughter in the crook of his elbow behind him. "I'll be good on my own. With the season starting so soon, I'd hate to get in the way."

"Yeah man, I'm a high-performance athlete. I need your attention; and all of it," Daniel piped in from the weight bench he had now been occupying.

Michael let out a laugh as he headed over to Daniel, throwing a shrug in my direction as he left. "The offer remains open, just in case!"

I did a scan of the room around me; Daniel and Michael were in the free weights area, Michael had been collecting some weights as Daniel pulled some resistance bands and more of their specific equipment out of a bag. My eyes landed on a pile of floor mats and an open area in-front of a mirror, beside a window that had an amazing view of the bustling street below us. I grabbed a mat from the pile and laid it out on the rubber floor, placing my phone and my water bottle beside it but just out of the way. I grabbed a light weight kettle bell and started my workout with some body weight ab exercises to warm up.

I spent most of my workout in my mat area on the floor, bringing over and swapping out free-weights and resistance bands as I thought of different exercises to do. I would laugh and throw out a comment here and there whenever Daniel made an odd noise, but besides that I stayed mostly out of their way. Michael had been working Daniel hard, and as much as I could see that he was trying to keep his cool, he was getting worn down. He had sweat dripping down his neck, pooling both on his back and his chest, and his breathing was visibly heavier even from where I was just a few paces away. He glanced up in my direction in the middle of a wrist exercise, winking and flashing a smile. I shook my head in amusement - even when he was probably more exhausted than I will ever be mid-workout, he could find it in him to still be himself.

Mason 🎄
just saw that text, I was already asleep lol
you up for a facetime? ive got some time before meeting up with friends

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