18 - Second Date

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"Hold on, Daniel. Let me make something clear here," I used a finger to motion between us, "No one can know what we did. I do not want my brothers, or father, knowing. This was a one time thing, Daniel. I don't know what came over me, but it is not what I intended to happen. I hope you understand."

"Finally, you answer! Where the fuck have you been!?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a drive. Had to clear the mind. I wasn't ignoring your calls, I just had my music turned up a bit high. But I'm almost home now," I gave Carlee a call back as I left Daniels. Upon checking my phone, I had 3 missed calls from her and 2 from Carson. I didn't mean to worry them, but also them coming home and finding me gone was the least of my concerns. I was just happy that I was able to sneak Daniel out before my brothers, Molly, and Carlee came home.

"Well while you're out, could you stop and pick up a Gatorade or soda or something? Molly's fucked up, Rory's set her up by a toilet with a blanket and pillows and everything," Carlee said under her breath, I assumed so Rory wouldn't hear.

"We've got soda in the fridge, none of the stores look open," I said. "I'll be home in 2 minutes."

"Alright. Next time send me a text before you give me a heart attack, will you?" She said before hanging up.
I pulled into my garage and parked my car in its designated spot. I zoned out at my dashboard, watching the lights slowly fading as they turned off. What a crazy night; being at the party, seeing Jocelyn for the first time in years, Daniel pushing me into the water, following me home, everything after that...

It all felt so surreal. How did we get to that point? How did I let myself flip flop from one emotion to another like that? Why did it seem like Daniel could just walk on in and take over every normally functioning part of my brain. I shuddered, remembering the feeling of being so out of control of my own intentions. I've known the guy the better part of a week, for gods sake. Surely there was no way I had developed any sort of feelings for him.

But mentally beating myself up was probably not the answer. Especially after the night I have had. I removed myself from my car and hauled my body into the elevator, scanning my key-fob and pressing the 'Penthouse' button; bracing for impact.

First thing I needed when I woke up the next morning was a coffee.

Before I even allowed myself to think about anything, I threw on sweatpants, grabbed my phone off the charger, clipped my hair into a bun, and headed into the kitchen to start up the espresso machine. It was just a bit past 11, and I was the first one awake. I was exhausted, mentally and physically, but surprisingly not too hungover. Which I'm not sure I could say the same for anyone else in this household.

My espresso machine pinged, signaling that it was ready to brew. I placed a mug under the spout before doing a quick check of my phone. Jocelyn had posted a picture on Instagram of herself, Lando, and I, which I reposted on my story and left a fun comment on. I smiled watching Lando's story, even the part where people were bounding into the water, despite hating being in that situation personally. It was a fun time, and I hoped I didn't make a fool of myself in front of Jocelyn.

"Ugh, that smells perfect," I turned, Molly had seen better days for sure. I stifled laughter; her makeup was smudged across her face, hair in a messy bun, shirt coming off one of her shoulders. She looked a right mess. "Rum. Never again." She managed a light chuckle.

Keep Me In | DR3 | BOOK 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon