22 - New Year, New Friends

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"Happy New Year!"

My eyes shut as a familiar set of lips wrapped around mine.


My ears were ringing and my heart was jumping out of my chest. Music resumed playing again, an upbeat EDM song that was so loud that I could feel it reverberating through to my fingertips.  Multi-colored confetti and lights bounced around the Monaco rooftop, decorating the space around us in a rainbow of shimmer and hue. The world had come alight for just that moment.

"Happy New Year, Alexa," Mason pulled away from our midnight kiss, smiling as he whispered to me. I threw another quick kiss on the tip of his nose before pulling away myself, only slightly, to see his whole face.

"Happy New Year, Mason."

"Happy New Year you guys! 2021 baby!" Rory exclaimed, pulling Carson, Carlee, Molly, and I into a massive group hug, out of Masons grasp. This caught me off guard and if my siblings hadn't been encasing me, I probably would've fallen over. "Love you guys."

Rory, Carson, and I posed for a picture Carlee had been taking to send to Dad. Once we had that sorted, we made our way over to a lounge area that had just cleared. A lot of fellow partiers had either left, or retreated the cold to the main floor of the club. I didn't mind the weather much, and had appreciated how significantly quieter the rooftop had grown.

"You guys, come on. You can't tell me you're tired," Rory said, specifically to Carson and Carlee, catching them sharing a yawn. "By this time just a couple days ago, we were jumping off a docked yacht into the Port!"

"Some of us, unwillingly," I mumbled sarcastically, causing Daniel to raise his eyebrows as he laughed. I hadn't meant for it to come out nearly as bitter as it had, and instantly regretted even saying anything in the first place.

"What was that, Alexa?" Daniel challenged, sitting forward.

"Some of us," I paused, dramatically flicking a section of hair over my shoulder, "were pushed." Molly gasped, adding to the effect.

"Pulled," he rolled his eyes. "If you're going to tell the story, tell it right. I pulled you in."

Mason had been looking hesitantly between us, trying to figure out if we had been joking playfully or if we were fighting. Alana shared the same motions, just not as blatant as Mason.  "No way, wasn't it like, freezing?"

"Everyone was doing it," Rory said, shrugging. "We got this sick video of Mike and I backflipping together."

"Oh right, Olivia show him the video!" Michael exclaimed.

Mason shifted as everyone crowded around Olivia's phone in Michaels hand, eager to see the proof. I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief, though I decided to let it go. It was a new year. I wouldn't let last years problems get in the way of my mood.

Plus, I'll put my pride aside and admit, it was a bit funny to look back on now.

I walked away as Rory began telling the group about how Daniel had pulled me into the water. I got up from my seat, taking it easy as I walked around the lounge area to look at the view. Facing the ocean, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. It was officially 2021. As cliché as it was, I wanted to face the new year with an open mind. My family was all together in the UK, Dad had a new person in his life that made him happy, business was looking up for Rory and I, and Carson and Carlee may be gifting me a niece or nephew. I smiled to myself, opening my eyes and taking it all in.

And I had Mason. I snuck a look at him, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder between Rory and Carson, listening to something wild Carlee had been saying. Molly smiling, her hand in Rory's free hand. Mason fit right in, easily. Even though this was only the first time he had met my family, I could tell he made himself very comfortable very fast. I had no clue what would become of Mason and I after we both left Monaco- myself back to the UK, and Mason back to Delft to continue with school. I looked out at the ocean, thinking about how a long-distance relationship would work out for us. It couldn't hurt to try.

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