38 - The Wind in the Windmills

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"Will you all be in Bahrain for the first race?"

Rory laced an arm around Molly, "We will be."


I took a breath as I looked up at Lando, guiltily.

"What! You're not coming out?"

"It just works best for Mason and I this way. What's the big deal, anyway. I'll be there for Italy," I nudged his arm supportively. "Sneak me some merch?"


- 📍Delft, the Netherlands -

"I want to see your apartment first," I winked, leaning across the seat and giving him a slow kiss, teasing. "Then, I want you to take me to your favorite on-campus coffee shop."

"Does it have to be on-campus? Rotterdam has such great coffee that, you know, isn't on campus. Plus, I'd love to show you around the Hague-"

"Mason, babe," I held his hand, looking him in the eye. "I want to put myself in your shoes. Show me where you get coffee on a day-to-day, when you're rushing to class, you know? Walk me through it all. I'm sure the coffee on campus is good."

He raised his brow, "I mean, sure. But Lex, how about you let me show you around? Just trust me, I've got things in mind that I know you would enjoy seeing. We may even throw a boat-tour in there."

"And windmills?" I asked hopefully, slinking under his arm.

He chuckled, "Yes, sure. Windmills."

I was vibrating with excitement as I peered out the window of our taxi, taking in the sights between the airport and TU Delft. Excited mostly just to be with Mason, see his world, and to explore with him. And, to escape anything that had to do with F1, racing, cars, even. I was sick of it all.

Dad was excited, and understandably so. It was the beginning of the season, his first season with McLaren Racing as the Team Principal. Dad, Lando, Daniel, and their respective teams were all trying to get their strategy down as best as they could before the data was in after testing later this week. Carson, meanwhile, was in charge of organizing Dad's duties out for him for the next couple of months. Between team meetings, media arrangements, and his personal life, Dad's calendar looked more like mine with how extremely packed it was. I did not envy how involved Carson was in it all, thankful that Rory and I had found an escape in O.M.C.

The search for a new employee had proved to be harder than I think Rory and Noah had expected when they planned this all out. We had a two-interview system; Noah would firstly interview the candidates that we agreed would be worth our time. If they passed this initial interview, then they would have a sit-down with Rory and I. Unfortunately, only 2 out of however many people have made it to this stage before I had left for my trip. And we weren't very eager to hire either of them.

We were picky, Rory and I. And rightfully so. This business was our baby, a smooth-running train that was at the helm of the three of us for so long. Maybe we were having a hard time relinquishing some form of control. Maybe we were just careful.

October MotorCars was our family name, and we wouldn't dare bring in anyone if they brought along with them any sort of risk of tarnishing that.

I'd leave that in the hands of Rory these next two and so weeks. I told him that I trusted his opinion, but that I'd also like a complete detailed run-down of any interview he conducts without me. I could practically hear his eyes roll when I told him, but I know he understands why. 

Keep Me In | DR3 | BOOK 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora