19 - No More Secrets

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cw: mention of miscarriage


Daniel's clothes were folded, neatly in a pile on top of one of my built-in cabinets. I froze, my chest tightening.

"So - do you want to tell me how those ended up here. or do you want me to guess?" Carson spoke from behind me. 


"Cars, I-"

"No judgement, Lex. Please just be honest," Carson closed the door behind him, sitting on a leather bench against the wall.

I sighed, not knowing where to start. I felt backed into a corner, though I know that was not Carson's intention. If anything, I was actually the least worried knowing that Carson had found Daniel's sopping wet clothes in the washing machine. I considered telling my oldest brother the truth - something I've never had any trouble doing in the past. Carson is the most pragmatic, level-headed person I know. However, I also never had sex with any of my Dad's co-workers in the past. Plus, there were a myriad of ways Daniel's clothing could have ended up in my laundry room. His clothes being here didn't insinuate that we did something.

"Daniel came back here after Jocelyn's yacht party. Let me finish before you say anything," I said, raising a finger at him as I noticed Carson opening his mouth to say something. "You asked for an explanation, let me give you one."

I told him that Daniel had followed me home, insisted on walking me back as he felt horrible for what he had done at the party. I told him we fought about what he had done, that I gave him the run-around and made him feel bad, but ended up forgiving him and letting him walk home with me. When we got back here, I made us tea, gave him clean clothes, and sent him on his way.

"And I didn't think to tell you guys, because it felt so insignificant I didn't feel like it would be something worth bringing up. Plus, I had my date with Mason today which totally distracted me," I finished off, Carson looking at me with the same dubious expression he had on his face since I started my spiel.

"So," Carson took a deep breath. "Nothing, you know, happened? Between you two?"

"God, no! He pushed me into the Port, Carson. What about that act makes you think I would want to let anything happ-"

"Because at the end of the day, he works for Dad. He's a pretty large part of the team, and Dad is super excited about this opportunity. And that means I have to work with the guy, also."

"Carson," I sat beside him on the bench, "Nothing is happening between Daniel and I. I am seeing Mason, this is something I really am serious about, too. I wouldn't screw it up over an F1 driver," I hoped I was half as convincing as I sounded in my head. I've never had to have this kind of conversation with Carson before, it was hard having to lie to him. I wish I could just tell him everything; from the kiss, to the gift, all down to having sex and nearly getting caught.

But he's right - he also has to work with Daniel. And not to mention Rory is loving his new friendship with not only Daniel, but Michael as well. This was territory that I could not cross into. I had to make sure there would not be a 'next time' with Daniel.

"Carlee thinks he likes you, you know," he stood from the bench, looking down at me. "I hope I don't have to fight the guy." 

I threw a snarky look in his direction. "There will be no fighting. Carlee thinks any guy that breathes in my direction loves me."

"Alright then. Hey- by the way, I'm excited to meet this Mason guy. I checked his LinkedIn," I laughed, covering my mouth. "No laughing! It's a good way to judge someone's character." I shook my head, but allowing him to continue. "I checked his LinkedIn - we have a couple mutual connections. I think he'll fit in just fine."

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