Three lines

444 29 4

Astha's POV

I clutched the letter to my heart and ran to C but it wasn't quite the greeting I wanted.

"Why would you do that?" She asked me in an irritated voice.

"What?" I asked her back.

"You are so oblivious ugh"

"Care enough to actually tell me?" I asked equally irritated.

"Asha, you can't see what she is trying?"

"No, I can't!!! What is she trying? Enlighten me. Will you?"

"She is trying to ruin the only good thing that happened to you after that shitty Aarav"

"She my sister!" I argued to whatever she is saying.

"Bitch she is" she mumbled.

"Do you think she is here for you? To pick you up? Spend some sister time?" She scoffed without any hint of humour. "You know she is here for SHIRSH! There I said it" she sat on her bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting beside her.

She rubbed her forehead with her fingers "how naive are you?"

"She would never even try to do that" I stood up.

"Love is blind, you are blind in love with her" she screamed at me.

I took a deep breath trying to calm. It never works when both the arguing parties are angry.

"Asha can literally get any guy. Why would she try to take the only one I want from me?" I tried to say as calmly as I can.

"You know what people call her?"

"Asha" I replied without missing a beat.

She squinted her eyes and pressed her temples with her left hand and then exhaled loudly. "Babe" she placed her hands on my shoulders "I love you and I want the best for you. Asha is your sister and I am aware how much you love her. Just talk to her about Shirsh. Just talk to her and sort it out". She hugged me softly.

I hugged her back "I will".

My phone went off telling me that someone is calling me. "Bye" I told C and send Shirsh a quick text.

I wanted to say that I trust Asha..but I trust C too. Whatever she said is bugging me. I introduced them to each other.

I looked at Shirsh and he had an unreadable expression on his face. Does he thinks that she is better than me? Does he regrets giving me the letter? Is he wishing to be with her now?

Good lord Astha! Get a grip.

I waved at Shirsh "Good bye". He was looking kind of hesitant. His beautiful eyes dim. Don't give me that look Shirsh. But then instead of waving he just said "Wait" and then he came towards me and whispered in his beautiful voice "I mean everything I wrote and ....." I waited and waited for him to complete but he never did.

He just stepped back.

I looked at Asha confused. She was looking at him. I looked at Shirsh and he was also looking at Asha. What the hell is going on?

My phone chimmed with an incoming text by C.

'Baby Lips, everyone calls Asha baby lips behind your back'

Bruh she doesn't even use Baby lips she uses Nivea. I looked up from my phone and they both were looking at each other, that's when it clicked.


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