The Fare

398 28 8

It's unedited, it can have mistakes.
But here you go a quick update.

"Calm down" Shirsh squeezed my hand.

"I CAN'T!!!!" I screamed shutting my eyes.

"I thought you weren't afraid" he said and I can hear him smirk but I can't see him smirk...

Guess why?

Yes because my eyes are squeezed shut and no I am scared. I repeat I AM SCARED.

But the thing is we are on a Feriss wheel and I have been on it so many times but everytime when it stop while me being on top I can't help it. I can't frickin' help it.

My heart is pounding so loudly. I can already imagine my death by falling off it.

"You are looking cute" he said chuckling.

I wanted to cover my face with my hands but I can't coz I am too scared to even loosen it's grip around the bars.

"Shut up" I said.

It's only the two of us in this box (compartment).

I heard him moving but again I didn't opened my eyes.

"How long till it moves?" I asked him.

"I don't know maybe half an hour" he said.

"Stop kidding" I said

"I am not" he replied. His voice was as the edge of cracking into a laughter.

"You-" I kind of shouted at him but as soon as I opened my eyes I froze.

I literally froze. He was soo close to me. So so close.

He was sitting on the edge of his seat, his hands were on both sides of me, caging me in. And his eyes were well intently looking at my face.

And somehow I was soo lost in his eyes.


We were so lost in each other that when the wheel started moving we both jumped.

He quickly sat back in his seat properly and I started looking at the sky.


"Where do you wanna go next?" He asked.

"Mickey mouse" I replied.

"You are overage for that" she said.

"I know. I wanna see the kids" I replied honestly.

When I was a kid it was my favourite part of the whole fair but since now I am overage I can't go. But watching kids gives me Nostalgia, they make me sooo happy.

"She is so cute" I pointed at a girl.

"You are cuter" he replied slowly.

I smiled.

Wait. What?


My dumb self took a whole minute to register what he just said.

I turned around to look at him but he was looking somewhere else.

"Look at him, he is gonna be model in future" he said.

I didn't even bother to look at the boy.

"Why?" I asked still refusing to look anywhere else.

"He is gonna be so handsome" he replied.

"Not more than you" I said.

Smooth Astha smooth.

He looked at me, a smile tugging at his lips and pink color spreading on his cheeks.

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