stop smiling.

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Astha's POV

I was really excited for Shirsh to meet Asha but my plan was totally ruined. So I decided to talk to Asha without the living existence of my potential boyfriend.

My insides were dancing from the prospect of telling her. I practically danced all the way to her room.

I opened her door and saw a sight which changed my insides dance from happy one to a uneasy one.

Aarav was cupping Asha's face. Both their eyes were closed and lips attached. My eyes popped out of my socket.

I closed the door as fast as I could. Well so fast that I literally slammed it on my own face hurting my nose.

"Ouch" I said but quickly covered my mouth and I ran to my room.

My eyes were watery and I was trying to convince myself that it was because of my aching nose and not because of my aching heart.

Why is their relationship affecting me like this? You can't be still in love with Aarav. YOU CAN'T.


I banged my fist against the wall but it just added to the pain. I was mentally screaming.

Why am I so fucked up? Why can't I actually concentrate on Shirsh.

Someone knocked at my door. I quickly stood up from the floor and wiped the remains of my tears.

I opened the door to Aarav smiling shyly.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I replied opening the door wider for him to come in.

"I am sorry you witnessed that" he said running his hand through his hair.

I smiled mischievously "sorry I interuppted your moment" I said in a sing-song way.

I can't keep the mask on for long.

He chuckled at that.

"I um... wanted to tell you something" he said nervously. I can tell it by the way he is tapping his foot.

"Yeah?" I said.

"" He took a deep breath. "You were my first crush and I really thought that I was gonna end up with you. All those years we were apart..... Leave it I just wanted to get it off my chest. I used to thought that we were going to be a thing but I later realised that we are better off as best friends" he looked at me for assurance.

But I was looking like a ghost. My brain was working 252929376292km/h. That's it. That was what I wanted. I just need to get it off my chest. I just need to tell Aarav that I liked him too and everything would be fine.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

"You okay?" Aarav shook my shoulder.

"Yea" I said and then added smilingly "I used to think that too but we are better as friends".

I am smiling for real and with that I hugged him and whispered in his ears "and you are better with Asha".

After breaking our hug he said "aunty send me here to call you for dinner".

After dinner I called Seema and I told her all about what happened today.

"I knew you were feeling guilty. There is no way you can still be in love with Aarav" she said proudly.

"Yeah, Yeah. Now you spill the tea"

"I met Harshit's small sister and she is the cutest human being ever!!!" She exclaimed.

LOST IN YOUR EYES ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ