Infectious laugh

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Shirshak's POV

Can I say that Astha is the most sporty girl I have ever seen like seriously I can tell basketball is her passion.

While we were watching the last episode of Stranger things which I love. She started laughing when Eleven was asking Mike that whether he will be his brother? and then mike just kissed her. She has that kind of  infectious laugh that everyone else started laughing too including me.

I looked at her. But as always she broke eye contact. I can tell it that she doesn't treat me like everyone else. But it is not like that she is attracted to me. It is something else.

Tbh I want the first case but it is not in my hand.

It was around 11 that everyone decided to leave the TV room. Some were already asleep.

"Are you all going?" Astha asked.

We all nodded.

"We can stay" Gaurav said pointing to Roshan "if you want us too".

God they are such a flirt.

Astha turned red. There is a respected boundary, they both old older than us.

"Actually I wanted to watch a cheesy rom-com, you guys can go" she said politely.


"once you will watch it, tell us we wanna see something" Roshan said and smirked.


After they both left Jatin offered to stay with her but she declined. I don't know why but I stayed. Not that I wanted to watch a movie but because I still wanted more of that infectious laugh.

"Aren't you going?" she asked me, not meeting my eyes. Why?

"I can't sleep this early'' I replied even though I sleep at this time daily.

"Oh" she made a OH face.

"You can choose" she offered a bit shyly.

Is she being ashamed to be liking a rom-com. I like them too.

"I have poor movie movie choice. Choose anything I don't mind" I smiled.

She then searched a movie.

To all the boys I have loved before.

I have never seen this movie.

"Is this okay?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"I actually read the novel and I really wanted to see it. But my poor ass don't have Netflix" she laughed. I couldn't help but notice that her eyes are not leaving the TV screen.

She is soo interesting. She loves basketball, loves movies, loves reading and for a fact I know that she is good in studies too.


The movie was good. I enjoyed it.

When we were going down stairs. She said slowly almost whispering. "Thanks for staying. Actually I am scared"

"I can keep you company daily" I said.

"Believe me you won't like to"


"I watch cliche stuff" she replied giggling.

She is sooo cute.

"You are in 12 th too?" She asked.

We both were standing in front of the mirror which is right in front of the staircase.

I looked at it. There was a permanent sheepish smile on my face. I rubbed the back of my neck replying "yes".

LOST IN YOUR EYES ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora