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Astha's POV

"You know I can't force you" he replied.

I can lie to him. I can easily say that I was crying because of an idiotic siblings fight. But the thing is Asha wasn't my sister when we argued, she was the girlfriend of the guy I am in love with or was ( I soo wish) which is wrong, so utterly wrong.

But only if my heart had this level of sense.

"The guy you are talking about is Aarav, he is my..." Best friend or my sister's boyfriend...
"Best friend and I have saved my other best friend's number as my boyfriend to avoid family drama on her side"

Yeah simplest response.

Look Astha how simple it is. Just say the truth.

Except that you left out a lot of details my subconscious brain snapped at me.

"I can't force you to reply to my other questions.. can I?" He asked with hopes that I am about to crush.

I shook my head.

Then I tried to change the topic "I don't have cash on me right I will pay you back later".

"It's okay" he smiled.

Soon our food arrived.

"You know you were quite rude to me in the beginning" he said and suddenly I started coughing.

He poured water for me hurriedly.
I drank the water.

"Was I?" I asked with innocence.

Off course I was.

Your eyes are unbearable.... to me.

Was. Look how beautiful they are.

"You remember that time you were washing your face and I was checking my reflection in the mirror, you literally threw water straight in the mirror, blurring all my image" he complained.

My cheeks heated. He really noted all that. That was lame I know. But I really wanted to remove those eyes who were stealing all my attention and wetting my eyes. Luckily I had water on my face so he didn't noted that.

"That was by mistake I swear. Without spects I can't identify people" I lied.


You know sometimes when I am lost in Shirshak I don't even notice that his eyes have striking resemblance with Aarav's.

And for the moment it just became his eyes. His beautiful eyes.

"Tell me something about baby lips." I said.

"Is she hot??" I asked him.

He snorted.

"Hot!" He laughed a bit more.

"Not to lie but she is" he said. I tried to spot a pink shade in his cheeks but none.

"C'mon tell me more" I said.

"We were together for like a week? She liked me, I didn't" he said.

He doesn't like talking about it. But it doesn't seem like he liked her much.

Not like me whose eyes fills everytime she thinks about Aarav.


"C'mon final practice, then you guys can go and pack, we are leaving early tomorrow" coach instructed.

We are playing against Shirsh's teams.

I was on defencing position when he came to shoot a basket.

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