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Astha's POV

My plan was to go to Seema's house after my basketball matches but it seems like her grandma is sick, so our plan is ruined.

"Hey you are finally back" my mother hugged me crushing all my ribs.

"Moooooooom" I kissed her cheek.

Then I went to hug my dad.

"Papa I missed you" I love kissing my dad, the way his beard pierce my lips and cheeks.

"Hey Asha" I kind of waved at my sister. I don't know where we stand.

"Hi, mom decided that we can shift our rooms" she said coldly.

Finally I am getting a room of my own!!!!!!

"Which one are you taking?" I asked her. One room is in the ground floor and the second one is in the floor above.

"I am good with the room in the ground floor".

I am super happy!

"Okay, I will shift out today" I replied.


Astha: howzz your granna now?

Seema: better.
Meet you at school.

Astha: yeah. I am digging in homework now.
Bye :)


I am crazy you know.

His words are still ringing ringing in my ears.
We will see each other often, I promise you.

A promise meant to break.

I don't have his phone number. I don't know where he lives. I don't have a Facebook account. (I don't like the app).

All I know is Shirshak Sharma with beautiful hazel eyes.

It's been around two weeks since we last talked. What if I am the only one desperate?
What if he doesn't even wanna be my friend?

What if.......?

My phone popped with a notification.

Unknown: Hello.

I started jumping in my bed.

Please let it be Shirsh.. please.

Astha: Hey.

Unknown: Astha Sen..

Astha: Yes. And You?

Yes Yes Yes. Finally. SHIRSHAK.

Unknown: Rohan.

????? Is this a prank???

Astha: Do I know you?

Rohan: I am a new student in your class.


Astha: Welcome to Crescent Moon.
How did you get my number?

Rohan: I asked Neha mam for a students
number and she gave me yours.

Oh! How very nice of hers.

Rohan: Where do you live?

Want my bio-data?

Astha: Bajaura.

Rohan: Oh same. Can you come to the
Bookstore and help me with books.

God this can be a prank.. right? He can be Shirsh and this can be a indirect way of trying to meet up. Because who asks like this.

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