Call me rude.

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Shirshak's POV

"Hey Harshit" I approached Harshit.

"Hey" he replied.

"Are you going to Crescent Moon today?" I asked him.

Say yes say yeas please.

"No". He replied.

"Why not?" I blurted out.

"You wanna go there?" He raised an eyebrow and I know he got what I mean.

"No, but you should. I can give you company" I said.

"C'mon. Just accept it Astha have you wrapped around her finger" he said and tapped my back.

Is it that obvious?

I looked at him and he smirked clearing any doubt.


We were talking and suddenly Seema started laughing. Laughing like crazy. Both Harshit and I looked around to see what she was laughing at and I saw Astha.

She was standing there with her eye makeup smeared, her hair blowing with the air of fan and laughing like crazy. You know how her laugh is. I instantly started laughing too.

I mostly fear laughing at someone what if they thought that I was solely making fun of them but with Astha it is different, so different. She is the first one to always laugh on herself. And her laugh who can resist?

It just increases my love for her.

Wow wow Shirsh love is a big word.

I handed her my hanky to clean it. It was the same hanky she gifted me. I wash it everyday and reuse it. It makes me feel close to her.

Seema helped her with her makeup. She was wearing a pastel pink dress with high heels. With those heels she was looking soo tall. She was looking the most feminine I have ever seen her. But it was the most beautiful sight I have ever witnessed.

She was wearing so few accessories only a necklace- which she always wears, it's a simple silver chain with an infinity sign and a bracelet, I have seen her wearing in camp.

Simple and perfect.

I wanted to complement her but she was already blushing and I guess so was I.

After her makeup was done I extended my hand for hanky but she looked at me in confusion.

"My hanky? I would like it back this time" I explained.

"I kind of ruined it" she shrugged "I will give you a new one" she offered.

Offer was tempting but this hanky has her fragrance.


"No, it's fine" I said.

"Let me atleast wash it" she said.


"It's fine just give me" I said and finally she surrendered.

I looked away from her face only to see Seema watching me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

I looked sideways embarassed to be caught.

Stop looking at her, well only at her.


"Give the couple some space" Astha said and dragged me away from the couple to the side to give them privacy.

But my heart felt like I am getting some privacy. And don't ask me what her touch is doing to me.

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