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When I reached his house I was really out of breath. I put my hand above my heart. It was beating so fast. My infinity necklace was out of my t shirt too.

I pulled the sign to my lips and kissed it. I love it. It is one of those possession which I bought for my self. I love it so much.

When I rung the doorbell Aarav opened the door.

"Hi" I said and hurriedly entered. I hate missing starting of a movie.

I quickly joined everyone on the sofa. I remember every inch of his house.

Rahul, Shubham and Deepak were waiting for me. I greeted them with a hi and sorry.

There were two empty seats: one beside Rahul and one beside Aarav. Well I haven't talked much with Rahul but with sitting beside Aarav I don't wanna tempt my heart. Maybe I am over him but still it hurts sometimes watching him with Asha.

Thou it hurts differently. I don't know how, why but differently. But it still hurts.

So I simply took the seat beside Rahul. He looked at me with a confused look and I just passed him a smile. They played a Tollywood movie and I watched it for the sake of watching.

I could feel Aarav's gaze on me from time to time. I am sure he is confused too.

Rahul passed me a popcorn bowl and well  I never returned it.

After the movie was over they started talking about the fights and stuff I am not interested in.

Why am I here again?

After they finished their loud discussion Rahul offered to walk me to home.

But Aarav interrupted our small little conversation which was yet exactly was to begin by saying "I can walk her home".

He said it with authority. My heart was supposed to flutter....wasn't it?

But it wasn't fluttering.

Isn't it confusing that it hurts when he is with Asha but it doesn't flutter at times like these where I can make a possibility of us.

"I will prefer walking alone" I replied curtly.

I opened Instagram as soon as I left his house. Yeah go ahead and call me Instagram addicted because I ain't gonna deny it.

The first thing I saw was Shirsh's story. It was his dog. I guess. It was a Rotweiler or whatever I am not good with dogs and not to mention that I am scared of them.

Not that I dislike them, they are way too cute to be disliked by anyone. I am just afraid of them because there are way too many street dogs and rumours has it that they bite.

But wait I am in hatt, right? It's Shirsh's village too!

My heart was literally pounding with excitement. Clam down..

My mind making all the possible scenarios of bumping into him.

I looked around to see Shirsh. Yeah nice try.

As if my luck is this good.

I was walking really slow. I still have a hope that I will see him. The wind was blowing really hard so I tied my hair. Well most of them.

I love it when they fly in the air. I feel like I am Shraddha Kapoor but I need all my eye's concentration today.

I was looking in all directions. God just help me this once. Please.

My footsteps stopped when I saw a big beautiful house. It was like 5 minutes from Aarav's house. I never noticed this beautiful mansion of a house.

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