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(Contains mild sexual words)

Astha's POV

I really do wanna kick some balls today.

Who do they think we are? Free pornstars?

Checking someone out is one thing and trying to tear someone's clothes off with your eyes is another.

I don't like guys oogling over girls making them feel uncomfortable. Like settle your lust down dude.

I sometimes wish, I wish I was just one of those girls who likes this type of attention, who thinks it make them look cool or sexy. I sometimes wish I was Asha. Everything would be so easier then.

I would never have to be this conscious to show my curves. But there are eyes who make me realise that sometimes it feels soo good to put an effort to get ready.

Like Anmol, Jatin ,Dhruv and...........SHIRSH.

Their eyes says beautiful and not slutty, a beautiful smile playing on their lips.

I am so sure Shirsh caught me blushing!!!

He must think that I am the third despo girl who is dying for him.

But who can help it. He is such a gentleman that it is impossible not to fall for him.

Also I am really grateful for the little attention he is giving me after ignoring for a week. I don't know why he did that. He didn't directly ignored me, he always replied when I talked but never initiated them.

That's why he is a heartbreaker. And he had a thing for the infamous Baby Lips apparently.

As the name suggests.. she surely is a confident and sexy girl.

I don't stand a chance.

Why does he have to be soo good to everyone. He even gave Piya his bread pokara when her's fell on the floor.

I was about to shout 7 seconds rule but apparently no one cares.

After the puja when we reached the building coach called for me.

"I want to make you the captain this year" he said.

"I don't want to be" I replied.

"C'mon don't you trust my judgement? You always deny. Can I ask why?" He said.

Just because I don't wanna be. Everyone is crazy happy about becoming the captain, but to me, it doesn't matter who the captain is because everyone listens to me (I am 12 grader in U¹⁷ c'mon). So if the title makes someone happy, who am I to take their happiness away from them.

"Because I think Ananya can do a better job than me. I can't play with pressure on my head" I replied.

"You deserve to give yourself a chance too" he said so softly almost as he didn't intended to say them with his mouth.

"You know I always act like the captain, I just don't like the tag" I said, desperately wanting to remove disappointment in his eyes for me.

"I know...but..." Words failed him. "You should keep going"

"Thank you sir" I went to the swings.

There is plenty of time before breakfast and I don't wanna sleep in today.

Swings are the best.

Not to mention when my dupatta and hair flies I feel like a Bollywood heroine.


Later after dinner I headed to the TV room, way early than our scheduled time. And that was one of the worst decision I ever made.

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