"What about Damian's mom? You never mentioned her" he swallowed.

"Well, yeah. Tha-"

"That's none of your fucking business" a very angry Damian interrupted from beside us. I snapped my head towards him. Where did he even come from?

"It was just a question. Jeez" I raised my hands.

"It's none of your goddamn concern" he spat throwing daggers at me. "What were you going to say?" He screamed, this time to his brother.

" I wasn't going to say anything" Alex monotonously spoke.


"Shut the fuck up!!" Before I knew what I was saying I shouted the words for Damien. He was looking at me incredulously now; I kept letting sentences fall from my lips without restraint, " you're such a fucking brat! Do you always have to be like that towards your brother?! At least have some respect. He pulls up with so much of your shit already!"

"Shh. It's okay, Aaren. Why don't you go back to the rest of the people. I'll meet you there in a few" Alex tried, but I wasn't taking it.

"No Alex. Don't let him be such a son of a bitch towards you!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Damian yelled back. I could heard his elaborated intakes of air. He was a living ball of fire, full of anger. His fury was nearly blinding.

"Thank God, nothing related to you! Disgraceful piece of crap!" I screamed, mad now. Damian was shaking at this point but all I thought about was the way his jaw would locked and unlocked in anger. The way his eyes seemed to look at me with extreme intensity. The way his big hands would open and close trying not to hit someone, hopefully me. I knew I wasn't thinking straight but I barely considered things in this moment. All I felt was the need to make him mad, hate me. This sounded like the top thing on the 'to do to die' list, but the passion he dedicated to this feeling -even being far from a positive one- was overwhelming. Calling even. Like a magnetic danger, like a secretive drug; something dark, addictive and pulling, but at the same time wrong and sinful. I liked making him mad. I never felt this stupid urge towards anyone, normally I'm the one being annoyed; but there's something in this that I can't quite put my finger on...yet.

In the blink of an eye Damian lashed out. He took ahold of the table full of alcoholic beverages and toppled it over, it falling harshly on the floor. The Wooden furniture cracked after the impact, breaking and shattering most of the glass bottles. The noise was horrendous; at this point everyone was gathered in a circle around us.

I was frozen. Everyone silent, perplexed. Cece and Connor were the last ones to arrive. My best friend ran to me. "Are you okay? What happened?!"

"Get out of my fucking house. This party is over!" Damian yelled.

"Nobody is living unless they want to!" Alex screamed back. I had never seen Alex so mad before. He gave his brother a killer glare, then spoke again "please guys. Go back to where you were. Nothing happened. Just go back, please" he said. No one moved a finger.

"Everyone, go!" Cece screamed looking at Alex "you heard him, nothing happened" she looked at the people and hesitantly, the mass slowly disappeared from around us. Alex gave Cece a look and she nodded back in untold message. Damian grabbed his hair with both of his hands and let go. He turned around and walk in direction to the woods.

"I- I have to talk to him" Alex followed his brother, leaving me and Cece with ourselves. I still didn't know what to do. This definitely sobered me up a little. The silence invaded us; our thoughtful minds in full action. A million questions popping inside my head and none of them with the clue of an answer. Nothing made sense now but it did a couple of minutes ago. I didn't like the aftermath of being drunk, it made me feel confused and... guilty. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have said what I said and make things worse. I wanted to help Alex, but that wasn't the right way. I felt so bad.

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