This had ever felt so good before. Within seconds I was pinned back to the couch as he tried domating me. His hands playing with the thin fabric of my sleeves pulling them downwards. My hands were busy feeling the smoothness of his wet hairs. I groaned in dissatisfaction when he pulled away but felt relieved when he moved towards my neck, the place where I would have had an Adam's apple if I was a man.

He placed a few wet kisses there and moved futther downwards. His hands were pulling my dress down and I knew what was coming next. As his face was halfway between from 'the' region and my neck, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked my leg to prepare for his actions.

Feeling my nervousness he moved his hand down my shoulders to my waist, then slowly to my thighs, slidding inside my dress and caressing them when I gasped. He moved his face to my ears and whispered "It's okay" moving his hands up and down my thighs but keeping himself limited to an invulnerable extent.

Once again his lips were pressed to my skin, this time on my chest. I felt my dress slipping down further and further, exposing some of my cleavage below his face. This was making me nervous and I guess he sensed that.

He retraced his hands from my thighs and set my sleeves properly on my shoulders. "We shouldn't take it too fast. You should go and change or else you can fall sick" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Oh yeah" I smiled and rushed inside to change.

As I had put on the dry clothes which were basically a black tank top and grey trousers, I went outside and found Rakshit shivering. "Rakshit"

I rushed to him and saw him sneezing, rubbing his arms to create some warmth. "You're cold"

"No I'm hot" he laughed.

"This is not the time to joke. Oh god remove you clothes, let me get you something to wrap around you" I yelled at him. The fact that it was heavily raining outside and Divya had texted me that Varun and others were staying over at Sia's tonight because of the storm had not skipped my mind. Moreover I was not letting him go. How could I believe that he would take care of himself when he reached home.

After sending him to the washroom , I went to grab the pyjama which I took from dad's closet before leaving. At this point I missed my parents but Rakshit needed it more so I handed him the pyjama through the space he made by opening the washroom door a bit.

"Only this?" I heard him scream.

"Unless and until you want a dress or maybe a tank top or a tube top with size half of you, this is the only thing available. After changing you should go straight to bed, inside that blanket or else you'll face the worst part of me" I threatened him

"For your kind information I am not Varun! Stop being my mom" he complained, again.

"Don't make me repeat myself" I went to make some coffee for both of us, thinking about the time we spent before and took out some oreas to have with the coffee.

When I entered the room with the tray in my hands, I saw him wrapped up in the blanket. Only his face was visible.

"What the" I laughed so hard seeing him that way. The tray could have fallen from my hands but I managed to hold it with my continuous laughter.

"Don't laugh at me" he soundes annoyed "I'm cold"

"I thought you were hot" I laughed once again, leaving the maniac level behind.

"Not so generous"

"Thank you"

I stopped laughing and sat beside him. Placing the tray on a safe spot on the bed, I helped him get out of the perfecf wrap he had created around himself and don't start at what I saw-

You know that I did not give him a shirt.

Here I was. Shamelessly checking him out. He noticed me doing it and his face turned to the brightest shade if red. He blushed.

"You blush?" Before I coudl laugh I had a pillow thrown to my face so I automatically shut my mouth up.


The coffee had helped me warming up a little and burying myself in the blanket did the rest of the work. Drishti sat beside me, hesitant to enter the blanket, probably thinking what would I think. "You don't feel cold?"

She nodded her head in a yes so I opened the blanket for her. She looked the absolute adorable beauty when she blushed, crawling into the blanket and wrapping her hands around me. "I thought you'd never ask"

She giggled. Placing her head on my chest, she moved her hands on my stomach, feeling my abs. Under normal circumstances I would have started laughing but right now I had to hold it and hold her. I had to keep my feelings and my hormones aside, couldn't take the risk of starting something I knew I would end but she was not ready.

We talked for a hour before she started yawning, I turned towards her and faced. Pulling her into my chest, I patted her back. She snuggled into my chest just like Varun did when he came over at my house.

I felt myself relax in her presence. Her sweet scent filled my nose, her laughter echoed in my ears and her smile never left my mind. I wasn't wearing any shirt and she was wearing a tank top, enabling me to feel the most of her.

The fabric of the trousers was thin, and my other protection was wet so I could not wear it and I think she could feel that the fabric was thin too.

Heck no!

But she never uttered a word. She just cuddled into me as she told me about a Sinister named character and shared her fear of being left alone.

My love was with me, beside me. I was holding her in my arms, watching her sleep peacefully like a creep. She had never looked so tranquil before.

I will always be there for you Drishti, always.


"Rakshit get up" Drishti was shaking me harshly, shouting that I had to get up. She was half under me so she could not get up easily.

"Oh god, let me sleep!" I yelled and buried my face in her neck. "You too sleep"

"Rakshit! Your brothers and Varun will be coming any minute. You should change before they come. You can sleep after changing too" she pushed me off her and pulled the blanket away. "Change!"

"Ah! I hate it when someone spoils my sleep!"

If We Have Each Other [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz