20: K I S S E S , I L Y

Start from the beginning

"Yeah sure" I replied, looking for an opportunity to ask her what was bothering her.

After bidding Lily a goodbye, I followed Drishti outside the cafe. Her black hairs waddled with the sudden gush of wind, covering her eyes which mesmerized me the most. The plain black skirt part swayed too but she managed to keep it in place with her hands.

She was found of wearing dresses.

"Looks like it will rain today" she smiled

Before the wind could make the atmosphere worse I grabbed her hand and ran through the streets, trying to reach home before rain set in. I could hear her laughing and telling me to enjoy the weather instead of running from it but rain and I never made two good companions.

"Stop Rakshit!" She laughed but continued running with me.

It was when the lights around us started going dim because most people switched off their house lights. The wind was getting worse every moment and so was the rumbling of the clouds. Slight drizzling had started back when we left the cafe, taking the shape of proper rain drops.

My eyes raked the surroundings and successfully found a bus stand. I pulled Drishti under that bus stand to avoid getting wet. And she did not say anything till we got there.

"That was so not required" she laughed. Her fingers was still entangled in mine, while the other hand was pulling her wet hairs to straighten them in perfection. "You don't like it?"

"I hate the rain" I grumbled, leaving her hand and groaning in dissatisfaction after being half soaked in water.

"Rude" she smiled and rubbed her arms to generate some heat to keep herself warm for that second. "It's lovely"

She sneezed.

"But it's cold" she said.

We stood under the roof for some minutes without talking to each other. Bringing out the question of why she was not in a mood seemed perfectly fine to me so I asked her bluntly what it was that bothered her.

"Lily says that I've been losing focus nowadays. My teachers say the same too and I've felt it too. I can't concentrate on anything properly. I keep imagining things, feel differently and even my dreams are unexplainable to me. I just" she sighed, moving her hands along her arms and I listened with every ounce of patience "don't know what is happening"

As she was explaining I saw that man who was chasing me coming in our direction. Drishti was still explaining me what was happening to her and by now she looked super awkward.

"Or maybe I do" she tucked the wet locks of her hair behind her ear, stealing glances of me in a nervous way "I can't just keep holding it this way. It's messeing me up Rakshit"

As much as I wanted to listen to what she had to say, I wanted her to stay out of any kind of trouble. My eyes were constantly moving between Drishti and the men who were approaching us.

"I want to tell you something" she sighed, cluching the dress around her waist and swaying her wet hairs from side to side.

"Rakshit, I-" she started speaking.

"I'm sorry" I interrupted.

"No that's not what I was going to-" Just as the guys were about to notice us, my mind jumped on the only idea I had now. I let my hand run through her hairs, pulling her closer by her nape to capture her moving lips into mine.

Drishti must have been shocked by the sudden move but thank god she did not try pushing me away or else the guys would've noticed us.

I could feel her weight falling backwards and her lips shivering against mine. To me, the fear of the men trying to find me and the fear of the aftermath had faded away, leaving me to give myself into the bliss of the moment. I supported her back with my free hand, pulling her closer to me. Her smaller body colliding into mine.

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