Chapter 26

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I have two fics I want to release

But since I have three fics I need to finish I can't release them yet

Kurt's pov
I turned to my side,only to feel that Aimee wasn't beside me.i slowly rose up,adjusting my eyes to the darkness.I got out of bed as walked out of our room,i then looked at the bathroom and saw light illuminating through the door.I could also hear quiet sobs and throwing up broke my heart hearing Aimee cry,I walked towards the bathroom and lightly pushed open the door.Aimee was lying beside the toilet,her hair was messy but I knew that he was crying.i sat down in front of her as she puked into the toilet again,I rubbed her back and held her hair back.when she finally stopped puking she panted,almost as if she was running a marathon.

she slowly looked at me,her eyes puffy and red from crying.she collapsed onto me,laying her head down on my lap.i brushed some hair off of her face and tucking it behind his ear."I'm sorry."she whispered,it was almost inaudible but I could hear her."it's ok Aimee,I'm right here:I'm always gonna be here,I love you."I whispered,she sniffed and slowly sat up."I-I need to tell you something."she said,I tilted my head in confusion."what is it?"I asked,her lip quivered."I-I'm pregnant Kurt."she confessed.she put her hands in her face and began to cry,i widened my eyes.

"W-What?how long have you known?"I asked,"S-Since October."she admitted."October?!Aimee that was last year!you've known for a whole year?!"I exclaimed,"I-I was too scared to tell you!"she admitted."why didn't you tell me before?"I asked,"I-I thought that you wouldn't want this baby,a-and besides:you've been really busy and-and I didn't want to ruin that."she replied.I couldn't believe what I was hearing,"Aimee...stand up."i said.I stood up,she sniffed and slowly stood up.

I gently grabbed her wrist and led her to our bedroom,I led her to bed."sit down."I instructed,she gave me a confused look but sat down on the bed.I opened our nightstand drawer and dug into it,I smiled when I successfully grabbed the box.I got down on both of my knees in front of her,she widened her eyes and gasped."Aimee Eli...will you marry me?"I asked tearfully,tears immediately began to roll down her cheeks."YES!"she sobbed,she practically tackled me and hugged me tightly.I hugged back,crying into her shoulder.we pulled away from the hug,I shakily slipped the ring on her finger.she cried and smiled,she cupped his cheeks as she leaned her forehead against mine.

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