Chapter 18

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Y'all are nuts😂

And I love you guys,gals,and non-binary pals

Now let's start the chapter!

Aimee's pov
Now,it's not often that someone tries to google themselves,they don't want to seem self centered or something.but,I guess for my situation it wouldn't hurt to google myself,right?we had stopped by a gas station to fill the van up with gas,Dave and Kurt went to get snacks at the convenient store while Sam and I went to the bathroom.I was already done,but I decided to take out my phone one final time."ok,this is the last time Aimee.after this,you're never going on this thing ever again."I thought,even I knew that that was a lie.I typed in Kurt's name and clicked on my name under spouse,I nervously waited for it to load."Aimee Eli-Cobain is the wife of musician Kurt Cobain.Aimee is a fashion designer,artist,and musician.Aimee has one child,musician and model Frances Bean Cobain."i read in my head,I couldn't help but to smirk a bit.

"Aimee?you ok?"I heard Sam ask as she knocked on my stall door,I jumped a bit and quickly shoved the phone back into my pocket."Y-Yeah I'm fine!"I assured her,I stood up and unlocked the stall door."good,I thought you got car sick or something."she said,"Sammy we're not in a car."I reminded her."well yeah but you never know."she said,I giggled and jokingly rolled my eyes."now let's hit the road!"she cheered,"I just gotta do one more thing."i said.she groaned,"alright,but don't take too long.if you need me,I'll be at the car."she said.I nodded,she walked out of the bathroom,leaving me all alone.I sighed and took out the phone,"I can't use this anymore,it's too risky."I said to myself.

I snuck out of the bathroom and went behind it,I grabbed a big rock and placed the phone down on the ground."no one can know what I know."I whispered,I smashed the phone with the rock until it was unsalvageable.I then dug a little hole,scooped up the remains of the smashed phone,placed it in the hole,and buried it.I cleaned the dust off of my hands,exhaling."there,now I can't alter time anymore."I thought.sure,I could alter time more.I could save Layne Staley and his fiancé Demri,or even Chris Cornell.but...maybe...maybe they're supposed to stay...dead.god that sounds so fucking cruel,"ready to go babe?"Kurt asked me.I nodded and smiled,"you ok?"he asked in a concerned tone."I am now."i said,I gently kissed his cheek.

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