Chapter 22

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I better get some sleep tonight


I'm surprisingly not that tired

I did managed to fall asleep but I have school so of course my alarm clock woke me up

I'm fine though I swear

Let's just start the chapter

September 30th,1991

Aimee's pov
Today's the day Nevermind gets released,I can't believe it's finally time!Krist and Dave were drunk maniacs,while Kurt and I were completely sober.Sam was taking a break from being a roadie with Pearl Jam,so now she was in charge of handling drunk Krist and Dave."are they always like this?"Sam asked as she managed to pull Dave's head out of a couch,"Krist is usually more worse on alcohol."Kurt replied.I gripped onto Kurt's jacket tightly,"you ok Aimee?"he asked in a concerned tone."I-I don't feel well."i whimpered,suddenly feeling nauseous.Kurt widened his eyes,"hey,hey,it's ok,you're ok."he assured me.he gently sat me down on the couch,if there's one thing I hated it was being nauseous because it leads to-"KRIST NO DON'T PUKE THERE!"Sam yelled,trying to stop Krist from puking into a plant.

I tried to hold it in,I didn't want to puke."K-Kurt."i whimpered,all of his attention was on me.he helped me up and led me into the women's bathroom,not caring about anything except for me.he opened a stall door and we sat down on the floor near the toilet,"you gotta puke,trust me when I say that holding it in won't stop it."he said.I couldn't hold it in anymore anyway,I began to puke in the toilet.Kurt held back my hair,since it was basically the same length as his there wasn't much to hold back.he gently rubbed my back,"I know,I know."he reassured.I gagged and coughed,I was finally done puking.I began to cry as Kurt flushed the toilet,he grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my lips."I hate puking."I cried,"I know baby,I do too."he assured me.

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