Despite his train of thoughts, Fleeting Time pressed on with his attacks on Gongzi You.

Ye Ci, on the other hand, was furiously gulping down bottles after bottles of Health Potion. Due to her confidence in her abilities, Ye Ci would usually not have an abundant of supplies with her. She had never been forced into such a dire situation before!

Ye Ci gritted her teeth and activated her Empowered Spiritual Monkey Blessing to increase her rate of evasion. The potions that she carried with her were not enough for her to last that long. Ye Ci's dire situation came to an end when the kite finally landed at the top of Champion City's auction house. Despite unable to best the glorious royal palace, the Champion City Auction House was one of the tallest building in the city. This gave Ye Ci an advantage over Fleeting Time.

With her health bar nearly empty, Ye Ci did not dare to carelessly consume her last 2 remaining potions. In a fight against Fleeting Time, she could not afford to be careless. The 2 bottles of health potions might be of use to her later. Ye Ci opted to use the bandages given to her by Flutter n' Sway instead after jumping down from the kite. Despite having a weaker healing effect than a Large Health Potion, Ye Ci was able to compensate the difference with the numbers. After applying multiple bandages to herself, she was able to recover her hitpoints from 10% to 80%.

Time is of the essence, and Ye Ci headed to the edge of the building's rooftop, paying no heed to her health bar that was not full. Her priority was to find an opportunity to counterattack against Fleeting Time. There was no time to waste.

The height of the buildings in Champion City were not uniform. Some of them were tall while the others were built low. Traversing through the area at the rooftops was entirely different from travelling on a flat terrain. One must constantly jump up and down while paying close attention to the distance between houses or he or she would risk falling onto the streets below. Under normal circumstances, it was not a huge problem at all. But with the streets packed full of players from both sides locked in gruesome combat, one tiny bit of mistake could bring fatal results.

And because of such a fact, even an expert like Fleeting Time would need very careful as if he was treading on thin ice while making his way to Ye Ci's landing spot.

For Ye Ci, it was the perfect opportunity.

Raising her head, Ye Ci spotted a clock tower that was rather close to Fleeting Time's position. Before she could finish her thought process, Ye Ci's body reacted and made the best decision for her in place of her brain. She took a few steps backwards, and dashed forward. She then leapt into the air, shooting towards the clock tower like an arrow.

Controlling her rapidly descending body while dashing towards the clock toward was no easy task. Thanks to Ye Ci's relentless drilling of her body's sense however, the action of adjusting the angle of her body came as a second nature, and she was able to land perfectly.

Ye Ci swiftly stepped on one corner of the clock tower wall with one of her feet. With her other foot, she made use of the momentum to propel herself towards Fleeting Time along the wall. Watching from a distance, she was vertically running along the wall, seemingly unaffected by earth's gravitational pull. But Ye Ci was the only one who knew that the momentum which had allowed her to run on the wall would disappear soon.

Fortunately for her, the wall of the clock tower was not very wide, and she was able to reach from one corner of the wall to the other. Just when it felt as if she was about to fall off, Ye Ci kicked against the wall hard and propelled herself towards Fleeting Time like an arrow that had been released from its bow.

As Ye Ci leapt towards Fleeting Time, she activated Empowered Falcon Protection and the bright red sigil of her Empowered Hunter's Mark appeared on Fleeting Time's heard. In the blink of an eye, skills such as Rapid Fire, Multi Arrow and Viper Stinger flew towards Fleeting Time.

Fleeting Time who had been dashing along the rooftops had his sight trained on Gongzi You while navigating the terrain carefully. When Gongzi You leapt out from the top of the Auction House, Fleeting Time was ready to launch his attack. He had to admit that Gongzi You was way better at using the terrain to her advantage the he would ever be. She was as magnificent as a gem encrusted in the hilt of a dagger as she leapt from the rooftop of the Auction House towards the clock tower and then dashed towards him. She was so beautiful at that moment that even Fleeting Time was awed.

A worthy opponent is the best thing that someone could have in his in her life. A worthy opponent is also the person who understood you the most.

This was especially true for Ye Ci and Fleeting Time. It was as if Ye Ci could predict Fleeting Time's movement with an 80% accuracy while Fleeting Time could do the same as well.

When Ye Ci casted her Empowered Hunter's Mark, Fleeting Time was able to guess her action, and he immediately stopped in his tracks and jumped backwards to his left.

As he jumped, Fleeting Time launched a flurry of attacks at Ye Ci as well. Both of them tried their best to evade each other's attacks. Fleeting Time however, made a slight miscalculation. He did not expect Ye Ci's Multi Arrow to be able to launch 7 arrows at once, and was damaged by 2 of them, losing one thirds of his hitpoints.

Level does allow you to steamroll your opponent. Fleeting Time eyebrows furrowed as he took a look at his hitpoints. Most of his attacks on Ye Ci were misses, while Ye Ci was able to hit harder and more accurately.

If this goes on, things would go really bad for him.

Narrowing his eyes, Fleeting Time put his fingers into his mouth and whistled. A gigantic Vampire Bat instantly materialized by his side.

Ye Ci smiled coldly. So you think you're the only one who can summon your pet? Ye Ci let out a whistle, but she immediately coughed up blood as a system notification immediately appeared: You are unable to summon a ground-type pet at this location.

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